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December 5, 2017 0 Comments

day 38 penn lips


You might still be reeling from the Full Moon in Gemini which was set off by the current Mercury Retrograde -Saturn in Sagittarius merger activating the karmic portal of portals–the Galactic Center no less. This influence has been putting our mindset and mental habits to the test. Have you noticed how every thought, word and action is like the karmic exam of your life? Are you ready to break even the most long-standing and stubborn negative patterns like worrying, fearing, judging, duplicity, dramatizing, overreacting, assuming, exaggerating, projecting, blaming, or preaching? Saturn is going to work on all of this over the next few weeks. We can’t be too vigilant. It could also feel like driving with the brakes on until after the 9th when Mercury clears Saturn’s cruel gaze.

Mars, the mojo planet is gaining strength starting on Friday when he leaves Libra and enters his home-turf of Scorpio to join up with Jupiter. Watch for the next level with sexual allegations and secrets coming to the fire. The Scorpio– burn it all down and rise from the ashes like the Phoenix…. continues.

Read on to see how these influences affect your sign.

Also stay tuned for the upcoming special Saturn School coaching program to launch in 2018 in honor of Saturn entering Capricorn. Get on our mailing list to not miss any updates.



Fasten your seatbelt, Aries—this is going to be a wild week to remember. Not only are you just coming off a Full Moon and the onset of Mercury Retrograde, but your ruling planet is also changing signs on Friday. You’re about to get your sexy back, darling. After an extremely social and stressful several weeks, you’re ready to go deep and get focused. This will require cutting out any and all distractions. The rule of the week is, if you’re not feeling totally passionate about it, don’t do it. Trust that anything you start half-heartedly now, won’t make it through to 2018.


This is an extremely creative and romantic week, Taurus. The only caveat is that communication and travel are still a mess as Mercury Retrograde is just starting to throw in his regular snags and delays. Patience is your best asset. Mars, the mojo planet is moving into your opposite stars on Friday and lighting up your relationship zone for the next several weeks. This is one of your best phases for dating, mating and relating. The Last Quarter Moon underscores this same theme as it falls in your romance sector. As long as you refuse to have your relationship over text messaging, you’re golden.


Life is full-on this week, Gemini. Not only are you just coming off the Full Moon in your stars, but your guiding planet, Mercury is retrograde again for a little year-end finale. Watch for miscommunication with loved ones and partners for the next few weeks. The Last Quarter Moon on Saturday has you feeling like a hermit, so keep your social plans light over the weekend. It’s excellent for your work, but small talk—not so much. You are better off focusing on your home and other details that need sifting and sorting to keep the Mercury Retrograde chaos at bay. Work gets mighty busy after Saturday when Mars moves into your house of daily duties and deadlines. More self-care is a must.


Have you been overthinking yourself into temporary madness, Cancer? It’s time to put your mind on pause and focus on love this week. You’ll be delighted to know that Mars, the mojo planet is getting ready to fire up your house of romance and pleasure for the next several weeks. That said, Mercury Retrograde is real and it’s imperative to avoid using text or email for those important conversations you want to have. It’s the surest way to immediately destroy intimacy with misunderstanding. When in doubt, wait to have the conversation in person this week. The Last Quarter Moon on Saturday falls in your communication zone to highlight the message to watch your words, thoughts and actions like a hawk.


This is the week to pause before speaking or more importantly hitting send. Yes, Mercury Retrograde is here and realer than real when it comes to snags and snafus . This one is hitting you especially hard as it falls in your communication sector. Back up your technology and avoid tricky conversions unless they are in person. The Last Quarter Moon lands in your money zone on Saturday. This is an excellent time to sit down and peruse the details of your banking before blowing it for the holidays in your typical generous Leo fashion. Mars moves into your home zone for the next several weeks directing your energy towards family and domestic themes.


Communication is the major theme of the week, Virgo. Yep, you guessed it another Mercury Retrograde is in full effect. Family themes could be resurfacing now. Back up your computers and double-check all details before hitting send. When in doubt, silence might be your very best option to avoid any unnecessary problems and misunderstandings, especially with family members over the next few weeks. The Last Quarter Moon falls in your very own stars on Saturday, so all eyes are on your this weekend. Plus, projects that you thought were on the back-burner or lost forever, could be up for a little overhaul.

Your mind is working overtime this week, Libra. That’s because you’re just coming off the Full Moon which created so much overthinking, indecision and disillusionment. Communication is a mess and probably too blunt to handle. You prefer tact and diplomacy which is in short supply. Factor in another Mercury Retrograde to botch up communication, and you can see why everything feels so messy and muddled at the moment. Check your travel plans and texts twice before launching anything you might regret. The devil is definitely in the details this week, darling.


Money matters take precedence this week, Scorpio. Pay close attention to the details in your banking as it could feel a bit chaotic and confusing. The recent Mercury Retrograde-Full Moon combination wreaked some serious havoc on your financial zone. It will take all of December to get yourself back into flow, but you will get there. Give yourself extra space in the schedule for mishaps, double scheduling and other missed connections. The Last Quarter Moon is asking you to let go of your old mindset, especially where insecurities or fears are concerned. Pay close attention to your choice of words now as well. Each and every detail carries worlds of meaning.


Your career is the big focus of the week, Sagittarius. You’ve just wrestled with some partnership drama that you’d like to put behind you. Don’t make any hard and fast decisions just yet. You’re likely to change your mind a thousand times in the process. The Saturn infused Mercury Retrograde is taking place in your very own stars. Watch your words, thoughts and actions like a detective and a really good editor. You tend to speak bluntly and shoot between the eyes, but that could cause more harm than good this week. Pause before hitting send and then pause again.


This week is nothing short of all over the place. You’re just coming off the frenzy of the Full Moon plus Mercury Retrograde combo. Be as easy on yourself as humanly possible, even though it goes against your very nature. Deadlines are demanding at the moment but your mind feels scattered and stuck. The current Mercury Retrograde is slowing and stalling communication. Tensions are on the rise and so are misunderstandings, so don’t go there. The best remedy of the week is ample amounts of self-care and a healthy and balanced daily structure to see you through the stress.


Life gets super hectic and social this week, Aquarius. Double or even triple booking yourself is all too likely. Don’t hesitate to triple check your calendar details to avoid any booking snafus and overlaps. You’re just coming off the frantic Full Moon plus Mercury Retrograde combo. This sets the stage for heaps of misunderstandings and missed connections with scheduling and transit. Your romantic world is also coming to a head now. Let go of the old, so you can make way for the brand new. You have worked hard to clear the slate and upgrade your standards. The payoff is imminent.


Life will amaze and adore you this week, Pisces. Situations can go from calm to chaos overnight with the whacky energies in the cosmos. The Last Quarter Moon falls in your opposite stars on Saturday. You’re rethinking and redefining relationships. Plus, communication is misleading so double check that you are getting the right message before reacting or responding. People have a tendency to blurt their feelings first and consider their meaning after. Being as sensitive as you are, it’s easy to take things out of context or worse, personally. Before projecting or assuming, ask directly to avoid unnecessary drama or misunderstandings.

Sherene Vismaya Schostak

Sherene Schostak, M.A. is a Jungian analyst, author and metaphysician who specializes in helping creative artists transform their addictions and creative blocks. She is a professional astrologer in private practice in San Francisco and New York City for the past eighteen years. http://sherenevismaya.com/.