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New Moon in Capricorn Horoscopes – The Saturn Sisters New Moon in Capricorn Horoscopes – The Saturn Sisters

New Moon in Capricorn Horoscopes

January 17, 2018 0 Comments

patti smith


Capricorn Queen: Patti Smith

I believe that we, that this planet, hasn’t seen its Golden Age. Everybody says its finished … art’s finished, rock and roll is dead, God is dead. Fuck that! This is my chance in the world. I didn’t live back there in Mesopotamia, I wasn’t there in the Garden of Eden, I wasn’t there with Emperor Han, I’m right here right now and I want now to be the Golden Age …if only each generation would realise that the time for greatness is right now when they’re alive … the time to flower is now.

Patti Smith

We’re officially in the New Moon in Capricorn cycle now with the Sun, Moon, Mercury, Venus, Saturn, Pluto and Lilith all sitting in the “reality check” sign of Capricorn. Boundaries abound. “You should learn when to go. You should learn how to say no” as one of our Cancer Queens, Courtney Love sings in “Violet” is an excellent way for understanding the power of standing your ground and not wasting time on anyone or anything that doesn’t share your integrity and commitment level. What do you want to build over the next six months. This Capricorn Moon with Venus has some serious staying power. Venus moves into Aquarius on Wednesday night so mid-week our energies start to shift towards our long-term goals, wishes and group alliances. Friendships take on a higher priority. We cannot get where we are going without the help of our true friends. There’s another saying, “don’t ever make someone a priority when all you are to them is an option.” -Maya Angelou

You get the idea of this New Moon. Time is limited. Time is precious. Honor yourself and your commitments. Saturn is featuring large in the sky all year long.


If you’d like to go deeper into the Medicine of the Moon by meeting up with a very special Moon Medicine Collective, an online coven where we feature video classes devoted to the New and Full Moons, herbal guidance, discounts on readings and products from the Scarlet Sage Herb Co., journaling questions, guided meditation and Tarot, you can still join for a year or monthly membership right HERE. You can do this from anywhere at anytime. We send you emails and video links to stay informed, plus a private Facebook Forum to discuss the Moon and the work we do together. Check it out and join up for this New Moon in Capricorn:


January 15-21, 2018


It’s all about your career this week, Aries. There is a New Moon brewing at the top of your horoscope and you’re thinking about your plans and projects for the next six months. Plus, Saturn is in your career zone supporting you to reach all of your potential and then some over the next few years. This Tuesday’s New Moon is just the beginning of a fabulous years of achievement and success. Venus moves into Capricorn and lights up your zone of goals and wishes on Wednesday. This is followed by the Sun on Friday to highlight your social world. Collaborations play a key role in your work now. Your friends are there to bring you next level now, Aries!


Your professional status is on the rise, Taurus. Inspiration is in abundant supply and your confidence is sky high. Tuesday’s New Moon inspires the next six months of exotic travel and expansion on all levels. It’s time to start plotting your next jaunt. You’re getting a nice pileup of planetary support in your career zone starting on Wednesday. Venus (your guiding star) delivers all the sweetness and bank you need for the next several weeks. Finally, the Sun moves in to your career zone on Friday to light up your status and professional reputation. You’re totally in the spotlight for the next month, darling.


Pack your bags, Gemini. Travel is the big theme of the week. If you’re not already on a little excursion, you’re plotting your next one. All the big changes over the past month are starting to pay off now. It’s time to jet and feel free from all of the recent pressure. Changes continue but you’re now moving into a period of more inspiration and less heaviness. The New Moon on Tuesday is sets you up for wiping out any debt and getting back to strategic and resourceful financial thinking. You’ll be ready for expanding your horizons when Venus moves into your house of higher consciousness and travel on Wednesday, followed by the Sun on Friday. Drop all of the imagined fears and focus on your bigger mission. It’s already in the making!


Relationships are on your radar this week, Cancer. Tuesday’s New Moon falls in your opposite stars and puts the focus on your partnership zone. How would you like to start out completely new either with an existing partner or with someone you haven’t even met yet? Keep the bar high and know what you will and will not tolerate. No more crumbs, darling! You’re so much better than that. The second half of the month is all about going deeper into intimacy and letting go of deeply embedded insecurities. You have outgrown the dross and there’s absolutely no reason to clutch on to the old feelings.


It’s all about your daily grind this week, Leo. Tuesday’s New Moon sets you up for getting your rituals, work and wellness into tip-top shape. The habits you start now have staying power for at least six months. Relationships take over your priority list after Wednesday when Venus lights up your partnership zone for the next few weeks. You’re attracting more love and beauty now. The Sun will move into your relationship sector on Friday to double this focus and possibly turn you a bit obsessive with your one-to-ones. You’re all about the love and connection now, Leo.


A new chapter in love is on the horizon this week, Virgo. Tuesday’s New Moon lands in your romance and pleasure zone. Set your intentions for the next six months of love and creativity. Follow your heart. Your attention shifts to work, wellness and rituals after Wednesday when the planets start to stack up in your house of daily routines. Take your self-care game to the next level. You value your health and wellbeing to no end. Don’t give it short shrift anymore with the excuse of working too hard. You can make time for both. It’s a matter of your priorities.


Home and family are your number ones this week, Libra. Tuesday’s New Moon asks you to focus on your core priorities and set your intentions for the next six weeks. You cherish your family and it’s quite effortless to make this your focus. Set your intentions this week for the next six months of how you would like strengthen your domestic roots. Your guiding planet, Venus will move into your love zone starting on Wednesday followed by the Sun on Friday. The romance is coming back into your life full force for the next few weeks. Celebrate all that you adore most, Libra!


Communication is key this week, Scorpio. Tuesday’s New Moon lands in your house of texting, talking and thinking. This has you in deep contemplation about the ways you use your mind-for better or worse. You can be a worst-case scenario disaster at times, darling. In fact, if ever there was a time for mindfulness, it’s now. Meditation, journaling and other forms of strengthening your alertness and awareness are highlighted now. It’s also excellent for working on your public speaking skills. The second half of the week brings out the homebody and introverted side of your nature. You’ll be less interested in socializing and more prone to focus inwardly. Let your social life slip to the wayside just for this period because you need the time for your creativity to flow.


Finances are your focus this week, Sadge. Tuesday’s New Moon lands in your money zone and is the perfect time to set your next six months of intentions for taking your income next level. You’re working your financial planning like a boss. You’re even learning the art of strategy. Take full advantage of this influence to get on top of all of your bills and any other pesky accounts that have been lingering. After Wednesday, the focus shifts to communication, correspondence and potential phone addiction. Be the master of your technology and not the other way around! If it rules you, it’s time to set limits.


Everything is new brand again this week, Capricorn. Tuesday brings a New Moon in your very own stars. You can get that reset you were hoping for since the beginning of the year. It just took a few weeks longer because you were waiting for your annual New Moon. Now you can wipe the slate clean and start over. The planets start to leave Capricorn. in the middle of the week moving on to your sisters sign of Aquarius. This helps you ground and experiment in new ways of making money. The next phase turns your talents into more income. Think outside the box now.


Your birthday season is about to begin this week, Aquarius (Friday to be exact when the Sun moves into your stars). First, the stars are asking you to rest and reset. Tuesday’s New Moon invites you to slow down and focus inward. This might mean cutting off distractions and social plans for just a minute. Distractions can steal your creativity and inspiration and you’re staring to see this. Love is back on the agenda after Wednesday. Venus, the planet of beauty and love, moves into your stars for the next few weeks. All is sweet and abundant on the love and money front after that. The Sun moves into Aquarius on Friday to light up your life and you reputation. You’re simply irresistible now, darling.


This week’s New Moon has you thinking about all goals. What do you want for the long haul, Pisces? Do you have a fabulous team to help you? It’s time to create a stellar group of collaborators to support your vision. Tuesday’s New Moon reminds you to set your intentions for the next six months. You’ll be more experimental and less disciplined during the second half of the week. The new Aquarius cycle is all about rest, retreat and escaping into something more dreamy. Give yourself some serious soul time and extra pampering and beauty sleep over the next month, darling.

Sherene Vismaya Schostak

Sherene Schostak, M.A. is a Jungian analyst, author and metaphysician who specializes in helping creative artists transform their addictions and creative blocks. She is a professional astrologer in private practice in San Francisco and New York City for the past eighteen years. http://sherenevismaya.com/.