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Saturn in Virgo Redux – The Saturn Sisters Saturn in Virgo Redux – The Saturn Sisters

Let’s revisit some predictions from last August, when Saturn was just poised to enter the sign of Virgo for the first time in thirty years. We mentioned the dawning of Peak Oil, a ramping up of nuclear fears, and the looming food crisis. I hate to say it, but check, check and check. It’s all sadly come to fruition.

During the years after WWII, while Saturn was in Virgo, rationing and food shortages were par for the course. Current headlines are screaming with stories of empty store shelves, truckers on strike and not delivering food, rice and wheat rationing, food riots, drought and famine. At least regular people are fighting back in their own backyards.

As for Peak Oil, it’s come out of the shadows and onto the radar screen of mainstream media. Finally — so that we can do something about it. It’s not just gas prices that we need to worry about. (It seems that Saturn is forcing the issue by raising the cost of oil so that our love affair with cars must come to an abrupt halt.) The US still consumes most of the world’s oil. Believe it or not, there is some good news. Enter not just hybrid cars, but cars that run on compressed air, a serious locavore movement, the trend toward the end of made-from-oil plastic bags.

We Will Survive, indeed, if we band together and heal the world by first healing ourselves. Knowing where Virgo falls in your own chart and checking in with your Saturn every day is a good start. The Cosmic Taskmaster doesn’t want you to starve, he wants you to have fulfillment and meaning, even if it takes a resource war here and there. Get down to your core and figure out what true nourishment means to you. Go after it, no matter what it takes. Saturn will reward you with a full belly and an open heart. Virgo rules nursing — the only way to bring the world back to a healthy state is to start at the source — one person at a time.

Stefanie Weiss

Stefanie I. Weiss, M.A. is the author of nine books and an astrologer in private practice in New York City. Her latest (non-astrology book) is Eco-Sex: Go Green Between the Sheets and Make Your Love Life Sustainable (Crown Publishing/Ten Speed Press) She's the co-author of Surviving Saturn's Return (Contemporary Books) and Fate of Your Date (Chronicle Books). She is the author of Spirt Animals: Unlocking the Secrets of Your Animal Companions (Chronicle Books, 2009). Her other books have covered yoga, veganism, grief, the beauty myth, and much more. To learn more about Stefanie, visit her websites: http://stefanieirisweiss.com & http://ecosex.net.