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The Second Time Around: With Both Feet on the Ground – The Saturn Sisters The Second Time Around: With Both Feet on the Ground – The Saturn Sisters

Barry Manilow said it well — youth is wasted on the young. That’s why the secondĀ Saturn Return can be a time of miracles for those between approximately 57 and 60. If you were born between late 1948 and mid-1951, you’re in the second Saturn Return right now — are you having fun yet?

The second Saturn Return is always easier if you’ve done the right work during the first one. If you heeded Saturn’s messages and liberated yourself from external authorities before your thirtieth birthday, SR number two can be a time of joy, growth, and expansion. If you’ve kicked and screamed through every moment of the last thirty years, denying your psyche the growth it’s been begging for, then the turning-sixty transition can be as hard, or harder, than the first SR. But the beautiful thing about Saturn is that no matter how he kicks our butts, he always offers second and third chances to assimilate his lessons. Like the best teacher of your entire life, he’ll never let you down.

If you’re a parent that had your first or second child in your late twenties or early thirties, you’re probably first getting a taste of freedom. Your eldest has by now fled the nest. If they haven’t, now’s the time to gently let them know that they, too, have to be adults at some point. And as always with Saturn, now is the time. If your kids need you too much, you can’t be a martyr anymore. You’ve been a good mom (or dad) and now you need some time to enjoy your life instead of dedicating every waking moment to your progeny’s welfare. Just as you rebelled against your own parents as a teenager, you now need to rebel against your kids, at least a little bit.

The second Saturn Return takes place between the threshold years of midlife and elderhood. If you find yourself single (again) you’re actually quite lucky. Getting into a new relationship carries far less pressure than it did when you were in your twenties. There are fewer societal strictures and you can love on your own terms and in your own time. The first Saturn Return was about making your place in the world and creating your own meaningful values, on your own terms. Now that you’re about to be metaphorically born again, it’s time to put those values into a crucible once again. Do they really represent the true you? Is your Self playing a role in your everyday life? Are you, as an almost-elder, teaching those around you how to live a full life?

Healthy Saturn Returns happen for those that are brutally honest with themselves, their families, and their friends. Be aware of what you need to say “no” to. Have a little fun, drink a little wine, start a new business, or go and see the world as your chart dictates. Saturn will award you prizes according to his house and sign placement from the moment of your birth. If you’ve struggled against Saturn’s greater truths and you feel him trying to shake you awake, listen carefully. It’s time to let go of superficiality. You’re luckier than the thirty-year-old chicks still figuring out who the hell they are, and we salute you. If you want to know where Saturn lives in your own chart and what his messages mean by sign and house, find out moreĀ here.

Stefanie Weiss

Stefanie I. Weiss, M.A. is the author of nine books and an astrologer in private practice in New York City. Her latest (non-astrology book) is Eco-Sex: Go Green Between the Sheets and Make Your Love Life Sustainable (Crown Publishing/Ten Speed Press) She's the co-author of Surviving Saturn's Return (Contemporary Books) and Fate of Your Date (Chronicle Books). She is the author of Spirt Animals: Unlocking the Secrets of Your Animal Companions (Chronicle Books, 2009). Her other books have covered yoga, veganism, grief, the beauty myth, and much more. To learn more about Stefanie, visit her websites: http://stefanieirisweiss.com & http://ecosex.net.