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New Moon in Aries Horoscopes – The Saturn Sisters New Moon in Aries Horoscopes – The Saturn Sisters


Weekly 4 -10 April 2016


What a week you’re about to have, birthday-girl! Even if you were born in March, it’s high-time to celebrate, so get ready for some glitter. On Tuesday Venus moves into your own stars, setting you up for weeks of gorgeousness. Book your stylist stat. The most spectacular moment of the week is Thursday, when the New Moon alights in Aries. Make a list of dreams, goals and ambitions – the bigger the better. If you set these intentions now and take action in the next few days, you’ll likely make those wishes comes true within six months. Ready, set, GO.


The last few weeks of stress are still slowly melting away, but this week you should finally achieve maximum relaxation status. First your ruler Venus moves into your house of dreams, bringing some sweetness to your inner life on Tuesday. On the very same day, Mercury moves into your own stars – where it will retrograde at the end of the month. Take note of all the experiences of the next few days – because you might revisit them in early May. On Thursday a powerful New Moon lands in your subconscious zone, helping you to set intentions for wellness for the next six months.


This is your week to next-level your life, Gemini – especially your social life. Venus moves into your house of friends and groups on Tuesday, the same day that your ruler Mercury moves into your dream zone. Not only that, there’s an absolutely fabulous New Moon in your collaboration zone on Thursday. This is THE moment to set goals for anything you want to create with a team. Reach out to potential creative contacts now and you won’t even believe how successful you’ll be within six months. Seize the moment as soon as you can, because both Mars and Mercury go retrograde later this month.


Don’t miss out on all the astro-goodness on tap for the next seven days. Venus (the planet of love, beauty, and money) shifts into your career zone on Tuesday, blessing you with major professional sweetness. Even better, on Thursday there is a New Moon in the same part of your chart. This is a powerful occasion for setting goals for the next six months. Write down exactly how you’d like to change your status. Even if you have really big dreams (like achieving fame or at least Internet fame) focus on them with all your energy now – you CAN make it happen, Cancer.


It’s a majestic week in your stars, Leo, so get ready for some serious fire. Love planet Venus moves into Aries on Tuesday – a sign that shares your element. This brings you all manner of mind-expansion and travel opportunities for the next few weeks. The same day Mercury moves into your career zone, precipitating a retrograde later this month. Take note of what you start now and realize you might have to do some backtracking later on. The New Moon is on Thursday, and it offers you a delicious chance to plan out your next six months of adventurous itineraries.


This week brings intense transformation, but it’s just the sort you’ve been craving, Virgo. On Tuesday Venus moves into your house of sex, making your next few weeks very interesting indeed. Not only that, your ruler Mercury is on the move too, shifting into a sister earth sign and making you feel super comfortable in your own skin, and a bit hungry for adventure. But on the New Moon on Thursday, you want a very particular kind of adventure – the sort that stars and ends in your bed. In fact, intimacy is the reigning theme right now, so set love-oriented goals for the next six months.


What a week in your stars, Libra! Relationships rule your world all the time, but this week that’s truer than ever before. Your ruler Venus shifts into your partnership zone on Tuesday, setting you up for three weeks of love and loveliness. The same day Mercury moves into your sex zone, opening you to more intimate conversations with your lover or soon-to-be lover. And thanks to the New Moon hitting your relationship zone on Tuesday, love is definitely happening sooner rather than later – most definitely within six months. Whether you’re single or attached, set #relationshipgoals now; they have major staying power.


Everything seems to be happening at once this week, and you’re loving every second of your busy, busy life. Venus, the planet of love, beauty and money, moves into your work zone on Tuesday, initiating a few weeks of sweetness at your place of work. On the very same day, Mercury, the communication planet, moves into your career zone – doubling the professional awesomeness. But that’s not even it, Scorpio, because a powerful New Moon hits your work zone on Thursday, bringing myriad opportunities. Set goals for the next six months, stat, and you’ll see profound results by next fall.


It’s a beautiful week to be a fire sign, Sadge! Venus, the planet of love, beauty and cash, is moving into Aries – which rules your house of pleasure and romance. This is the ultimate place to host Venus, and she’ll support you for the next few weeks. On the same day Mercury, the planet in charge of communication, is moving into your productivity zone, ramping up your work. Life gets truly glorious on Thursday, when the New Moon lands in your romance zone – making this a golden opportunity for love and loads of fun. It’s also an ideal time to set goals for a creative project.


There’s much to get excited about this week, Capricorn. When Venus (the planet in charge of beauty and love) moves into your home zone on Tuesday, expect a few weeks of domestic bliss. On the same day Mercury (the communication planet) moves into your fifth house of romance and pleasure, bringing even more love into your life in the next few months. But it doesn’t even end there, because there’s a spectacular New Moon on Thursday, hitting the same part of your chart just charged up by Venus. This is the perfect moment to set goals for your personal life.


This week is made of the good stuff. Venus is the planet in charge of love, and she’s moving into your communication zone on Tuesday. Cue a few weeks of you being incredibly articulate and eloquent – your verbal charms are totally off the hook. On the same day Mercury moves into your home zone, stirring something up on the domestic front. By Thursday the real fireworks begin, as the New Moon sparks your house of talking and thinking – the same part of your chart that Venus just entered. You can write and talk your way to the top within six months – set those goals now.


So much is happening this week that it’s hard to keep track of, Pisces – but at least it’s all good. Venus moves into your money zone on Tuesday, initiating a few deliciously lucrative weeks: you’re a money-magnet now. Mercury moves into your communication zone on the same day, making you amazingly articulate and poetic for a few weeks. But the real magic happens on Thursday, when the New Moon lands in the same part of your chart that Venus just moved into. This is the ideal time to set financial goals for the next six months; be the mogul you were born to be.

Sherene Vismaya Schostak

Sherene Schostak, M.A. is a Jungian analyst, author and metaphysician who specializes in helping creative artists transform their addictions and creative blocks. She is a professional astrologer in private practice in San Francisco and New York City for the past eighteen years. http://sherenevismaya.com/.