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October 25, 2017 0 Comments

day 16 mask


With so many planets in Scorpio this week, including the Sun, Mercury, and Jupiter but all answering to Mars in Libra, we’re in a very interesting relationship dance. Jealousies, possessiveness, competition and other intriguing shadow energies may be rearing their heads now. As long as you’re willing to get real with your own BS, Scorpio promises to empower and transform you to your highest potential. Saturn square Chiron continues to dig up some of our most tender wounds, but also breaks our hearts and faith wide open. Scorpio season brings the medicine for loss, betrayal and even financial ruin. It’s a time of rising from the ash. Facing our vulnerabilities is the prerequisite for deeper levels of intimacy, but it’s so worth it.





This week’s First Quarter Moon in Aquarius highlights friendship, community and collaboration with like-minded equals. Spending time with your mates is highly recommended now. You’re also all about long-term goals. Thursday’s Sun-Jupiter lucky juju could bring a cash bonus or two. The feisty part of your Aries nature is starting to pay off now. Never let anyone tell you that you’re too much. Fabulous things come to the fearless. Work that Mars mojo like a boss. Others love it when you’re confident and in command and you feel loads more like yourself when you’re running the show.


This week’s First Quarter Moon in Aquarius brings career goals to the top of your priority list. You can also draw in the right collaborations and group support for your goals. Your career star is completely on the rise, but patience is still needed for full-out success. If you’re currently a single bull, you’re in for some sweet luck in the relationship department. This Thursday the Sun and Jupiter join powers in Scorpio in your relationship zone to bring you every opportunity necessary to get your love buzz on. Even if you’re already spoken for, Jupiter will bring ample amounts of opportunities for growing all the more closer.


Get ready to jet this week, Gemini. Your inner gypsy is at the ready this week compliments of the First Quarter Moon in Aquarius activating your travel zone this week. Make a list of all of your dream destinations. Opportunity and positive energy on a daily basis is in abundant supply compliments of the Sun and Jupiter teaming up on Thursday. You can also up your workout game as you have both the energy and inspiration to get into tip-top shape. It’s all too easy to obsess over your health and weight this week, darling. Just don’t go there. It’s often a stress reaction. Too many projects can lead to binge-eating even if only Kale.


Romance is off the charts this week, Cancer. The Sun meets up with expansive and generous Jupiter in your love zone to bring every opportunity possible for romance and pleasure galore. If you’re already hitched, get ready to deepen your connection with your sweetheart. If you’re still a solo Crab, this is the perfect opportunity to swipe right. Be sure you have loads of lovely outfits at the ready. The First Quarter Moon helps you to release all that no longer serves you. It’s time to make space for something much bigger and better. No more lowering your standards, darling.


Home is your all and all this week, Leo. The Sun merges with lucky and expansive Jupiter to bring you all the good luck and positive vibes necessary for your dream home situation. The First Quarter Moon on Friday highlights relationships and partnerships. Making sure you’re on the same page with your loved ones is essential now. Don’t be afraid to have those deep talks that take your intimacy next level. They not only empower you but strengthen your most intimate connections. Get it all off your chest this week while it feels pressing and urgent and you won’t chicken out.


Work is your everything always, but this week it goes next level. Just watch that your preoccupation doesn’t border on obsession and workaholism. You’re also feeling the pressure to choose your next dream team with the utmost caution and care. Your discernment is top notch compliments of the Sun and wise Jupiter team up in your communication zone this week. Your insights are nothing short of amazing and beyond even your normal brilliance. You can skim past the nonsense and get right to the bottom line in any conversation like a natural psychologist or detective. Once you see the deep truth, there is no turning back.


Your cash flow is on the rise this week, Libra. The Sun and Jupiter team up in your financial zone to bring heaps of chances to both make and spend as much money as possible. Balance is not the theme nor an interest at the moment. It’s actually probably not even possible under such extreme conditions, so why exhaust yourself trying? The First Quarter Moon lands in your love zone to set the stage for some fabulous fall romance. In fact, love, pleasure and money are all wonderfully favored under the current stars. Go for decadence all the way, darling.


You are so in your element this week Scorpio Plus, your luck is off the charts. Even though there’s a part of you that would adore nothing more than hiding under the covers this week, you’re in high demand. It’s your season, darling. This Thursday brings one of the most auspicious days of the year for you as auspicious Jupiter joins up with the Sun in your very own stars. You adore extremes as it is, but this week you could even exceed your own record for decadence. The First Quarter Moon on Friday is all about honoring what makes you uniquely and eccentrically and wildly you.


Your creativity is off the charts this week, Sagittarius. The only issue is that you have an impossible time knowing your limits and accepting there are so few hours in one day. Then again, you find a way to live ten lives and careers in one. This week your ambition and creativity truly know no bounds. Thursday brings heaps of fabulousness, fortune and fame. More, more, more is your eternal motto and this week it’s your reality. Communication is the big theme of the First Quarter Moon on Friday landing in your talk and text zone. Say what needs to be said but don’t burn bridges.


Money is your top priority this week, Capricorn. If you’ve been desperately wanting to sit down with your bank statements, bills and other financial records but just haven’t had the time for it, this is your week to get on top. The First Quarter Moon brings all the breakthrough genius you need to take your financial status to the next level. Thursday brings one of the luckiest days of the year. The Sun meets up with lucky Jupiter to open doors in your social zone. It’s also excellent influence for your long-term goals and meeting the right people in general.


Great things are on the rise this week, Aquarius. You can feel so many positive shifts at once that it may be hard to know where to begin. The First Quarter Moon is in your very own stars, so trust that this exciting breakthrough energy is only just beginning. Plus, add in the super-lucky Sun-Jupiter merger on Thursday, and your social life plus long-term goals are lit. Your social calendar is overflowing with fabulousness. The only potential pitfall is overcommitting yourself. RSVP with caution. There is the potential for never wanting to leave your house again if you overkill on the parties.


The First Quarter Moon is full of inspiration and limitless potential (just like you), Pisces. Life is truly magical when you’re working from your imagination and not your mind. You’re starting to feel a sense of liberation and experimentation that you’ve been missing for months. Once your imagination is lit, it truly feels like anything is possible (and it is). This Friday’s First Quarter Moon is excellent for breaking through any creative blocks or limitations to your infinite potential. Long-distance travel beckons Glamour is like breathing for you. This week others are inextricably drawn to you like a moth to a flame.

Sherene Vismaya Schostak

Sherene Schostak, M.A. is a Jungian analyst, author and metaphysician who specializes in helping creative artists transform their addictions and creative blocks. She is a professional astrologer in private practice in San Francisco and New York City for the past eighteen years. http://sherenevismaya.com/.