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First Quarter Moon in Pisces Horoscopes – The Saturn Sisters First Quarter Moon in Pisces Horoscopes – The Saturn Sisters

First Quarter Moon in Pisces Horoscopes

November 24, 2017 0 Comments

Weekly Horoscopes for the First Quarter Moon in Pisces


Jerry Hall Siren

Jerry Hall for the cover of Roxy Music, Siren.

This Sunday brings the First Quarter Moon in Pisces during the same week that Neptune, the modern ruler of Pisces comes out of retrograde. There is a big theme on deciphering the real from the fake. We are also coming out of a recent spell or illusion we’ve been under. It could feel like you’re waking up from a very strange dream, a bit foggy, murky and not sure where to put all the confusing pieces. The key to working with these energies is to surrender to the present, relinquish expectations and trust in what is being revealed. Keep your eyes wide open, moment to moment for the truth.

The other big news of the week is the Sun shifting in Sagittarius for the next few weeks. Scorpio energies are still quite strong however with both Venus and Jupiter together in the constellation of this fixed, passionate and determined water sign. Saturn is finishing up his run in Sagittarius over the next few weeks, so this Sagittarius season is extremely rife with reminders of not overdoing it. Taking on more than you can handle in any realm of life leads to extreme overwhelm and burnout now. It’s important to streamline and simplify our lives so we can focus on the essentials as we prepare for Saturn moving into Capricorn next year.

More for each individual sign and rising sign below. But first we are so excited to let you know about a very special program for 2018!

Get Ready to Rule Yourself: Mastering Your Saturn Return with the Saturn Sisters

We’ve wanted to bring this project to you for YEARS but now that Saturn is heading into his home sign of Capricorn, the time has officially come.

Launching on December 21st — the day of the Winter Solstice and just after Saturn, master teacher of the cosmos, enters Capricorn for the first time in 29.5 years — we will start our cosmic coaching program.

If you’re between the ages of 27 and 30 or 57 and 60, this program is for you. We will guide you through this tumultuous testing period. Saturn will be in Capricorn for a 2.5 year span, so if you were born between 1988 and 1991 or 1959 and 1962, your first or second Saturn Return will take place between the end of this year and 2020. Advance prep is Saturn’s most favorite lesson — the crisis comes when you don’t do your homework.

Whether you come for adulting 101 or a review of your not-yet-met goals from the last 30 years — we welcome you to join our community of Saturn Returners, where you’ll receive individualized instruction and personal coaching from the Saturn Sisters, authors of the only book about the Saturn Return. The community component will create a sacred, safe space for you to meet and share with others who are currently in the midst of their Saturn Return journey. This program is only open to women, trans, gender non-conforming, and non-binary people. Especially in the post-Weinstein era, we feel it’s necessary to create a women-only space to heal.

Our first book was called Surviving Saturn’s Return: Overcoming the Most Tumultuous Time of Your Life. Now we want to deliver these lessons to you as personally as possible. The Saturn Return is the subject that we cut our teeth on as astrologers (Saturn rules the teeth and bones.)
We’re so thrilled to launch this program — we can’t wait to be your guides.

More details rolling out in the next few weeks, but please do join our mailing list at the link on this page (or hop over to our site) so you can get up to the minute updates.


You’re re-emerging out of the depths and into the fires of optimism this week, Aries. You’re also ready to jet. The new themes have everything to do with making the exotic escape as soon as possible. The Sun moves into fellow fire sign of Sagittarius to light up your zone of higher consciousness and expansion on Tuesday. You are ready to break out of any ruts and comfort zones over the next few weeks. The First Quarter Moon arrives this weekend to promote more sleep, sweeter dreams and more creativity. Tune into your imagination for limitless possibilities. This is an extremely inspiring week.


The stars are inspiring you to change your ways and spread your wings this week, Taurus. You often prefer the safe familiarity of your routine, but this can quickly lead to stagnation if you’re not careful. Don’t get lost under the sway of the comfort zone when there are ample opportunities awaiting you just on the other side. The Sun moves into your zone of deep transformation and intimacy on Tuesday. You’re getting ready for the deep dive. Plus, this weekend’s First Quarter Moon inspires a new round of long-term goals, fresh collaborations and even some unexpected fabulous new friendships.


You’ve been totally obsessed with your work and career over the past few weeks, Gemini. You might find it hard to sleep or focus on anything but your future success. If your relationships are demanding more of your attention and it’s making you cranky, just tell them you have to put things on pause until midweek. Don’t push other away unwittingly because after Tuesday and for the next few weeks, you’ll actually be craving more connection than usual. This work mania is actually on the way out, so don’t burn bridges with your words that you’ll want back next week.


This is the week when work, health and daily rituals become your top priorities. If you don’t adore your daily schedule, use this invigoration of the Sun in your health house to up your self-care game. Long-distance travel and fun are your other go-to energies compliments of the First Quarter Moon. You are longing for an escape from any recent stress or worry, preferably on a gorgeous beach somewhere completely exotic. This is an excellent week to start plotting your next jet-setting adventure. Finally, the romantic vibes continue compliments of a pile-up of planets in your love zone for one more week.


Your love life is about to get a renewed spark this week, Leo. The Sun is moving into your romance zone to help you fall in love with life all over again. This also bodes well for your creativity and overall confidence levels. You’ll be back in your fiery goodness rather than feeling like you must lay low and protect your privacy. This week’s First Quarter Moon is excellent for letting go of any ruts or negative patterns that no longer serve you. It also makes for excellent closet clearing. Why hold on to anything that is only going to drag you down or hold you back?


Relationships take center stage this week, Virgo. The only issue is that you’re also wanting to pull inward and work on some of your bigger visions. In other words, you’re feeling a bit pulled apart with conflicting interests. If anyone can find time to make everything work, it’s you. Just take turns toggling back and forth between both life arenas. This week’s First Quarter Moon falls in your opposite sign and asks you to find the balance with your closest partners and collaborators. It’s easy to want to merge into their emotional worlds now, but remember you do have choices.


Communication gets real this week, Libra. You are not beating around the bush nor are you likely to sugar coat any of your words which could catch some of your loved ones off guard. They are used to you being the sweet and diplomatic one. You just want to get to the truth because you are losing patience. This weekend’s First Quarter Moon puts the focus on your work, wellness and ongoing projects. If you feel a bit all over the place, this is the perfect time to get a new and improved schedule flow going so that you feel less frenzied.


This week’s First Quarter Lunar phase could bring a new romantic interest or creative project. If you’ve done a good job of relinquishing the old and making space for some new love to enter, this could very well be the time when your ship comes in. The Sun is moving into your house of money on Tuesday for the next few weeks. Use this phase to get grounded with your money. You have a tendency to blow the bank when desire takes you on some wild rides of extreme coveting and “must have” buying. It’s an ideal time to make a plan to pay off those bills now, darling.


Get ready—Sadge because good times are just around the bend. You’ve been in a bit of a holding pattern sensing that something powerful and fabulous was about to break. This Tuesday, the Sun moves into your stars to officially launch your birthday season and high cycle of the year. You’ll have loads to celebrate between now and the middle of the December, so let the toasting begin. This weekend’s First Quarter Moon might have you feeling a bit internal and wanting more time to contemplate your past year around the Sun. Give yourself that without apology or exception as it furthers your next chapter.


This is the week when you start to pull back and contemplate on your long-term goals and even some of your soul needs for a change. You can’t just be going and doing all the time without the requisite reflection to put you back into alignment with your bigger mission. If you’ve been neglecting your feelings, this is the week they might come back and nag you. Just let yourself feel all of it. The First Quarter Moon supports writing, meditating and even journaling about your deeper feelings and desires, Capricorn. You’ll surprise yourself with just how poetic you can be.


Money is the main focus of the week compliments of the First Quarter Lunar phase falling in your house of finance. You can use this influence to get both creative and inspired about new ways of doubling or even tripling your current income. You are the most innovative and inventive signs in the zodiac, so let your creativity move you to bigger places. Plus, the Sun will light up your long-term goals and wishes starting on Tuesday. This brings ample amounts of energy and positivity to attract the right kinds of people and situations to further your long-term goals. Cheers to that!


The First Quarter Moon lands in your very own stars this week, Pisces. This is excellent for putting you back in touch with your gifts and your glamour. Consider it a mini-reset as well. You can now rethink all that you wish to create going into the New Year. You’re relinquishing a lot in order to make room for the new energies trying to come in. The Sun will light up your career zone starting on Tuesday to bring plenty of opportunities and good vibes around all professional dealings for the next few weeks. All you have to do is be your magical self.

Sherene Vismaya Schostak

Sherene Schostak, M.A. is a Jungian analyst, author and metaphysician who specializes in helping creative artists transform their addictions and creative blocks. She is a professional astrologer in private practice in San Francisco and New York City for the past eighteen years. http://sherenevismaya.com/.