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Full Moon in Sagittarius Horoscopes by Sign – The Saturn Sisters Full Moon in Sagittarius Horoscopes by Sign – The Saturn Sisters


A powerful Full Moon in firebrand Sagittarius aligned with Retrograde Mars is what’s in store this week. Look to where Sagittarius rules your horoscope to see where you are ready for some serious truth serum. What gives life meaning? Are you aligned with your higher calling? Are you walking your talk? This Sagittarius Full Moon combined with the ongoing Mercury Retro in Taurus will have no qualms about calling “Bullshit” (yes, pun intended) on anything that smacks of half-truth or fakery of any kind. Read on for the specifics around your Sun and Rising below.

 “One of the most wicked destructive forces, psychologically speaking, is unused creative power. If someone has a creative gift and out of laziness, or for some other reason, doesn’t use it, the psychic energy turns to sheer poison. That’s why we often diagnose neuroses and psychotic diseases as not-lived higher possibilities.”
Marie-Louise von Franz….

Reason 1,230,309 of why working with the unconscious and dreams in particular is so essential. In fact, it’s the most pure mode of direct dialogue and communication we have to access and tap into our unlived potential. If you think Tarot card readings can open up your world, prophetic powers and self-knowledge, imagine working with your very own archetypal imagery on a daily basis! Check out P40: DREAM LIFE: 40 DAYS OF ASTRO-DREAM ALCHEMY. This is an online journaling intensive of working with your dreams that can be anywhere and anytime. You’ll have two gifted dream analysts to guide you through the 40 Day process with Jungian journaling questions, rituals, sleep sanctification and dream recall techniques, flower essence magic and more.

Get in on the dreaminess before May 24th: PROJECT 40:: DREAM LIFE


Weekly May 16-22nd 2016


This week might creep up on you slowly, Aries. While the Moon is in the sign opposite yours on late Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday, you might feel slightly slower and a bit out of it. Take it easy if you can. The pace picks up considerably on Friday, when the Sun moves into Gemini, setting up camp in your communication zone for the next four weeks. The next day there’s a powerful, potent Full Moon in your house of travel, one that might make you want to get on the road immediately. Finally – best news of the week – Mercury goes direct on Sunday!


This is a week that starts quite slow and speeds up suddenly. It’s the last week with the Sun in your own sign, and you should aim to enjoy it thoroughly by making Taurean, sensual indulgences into your first priority. By Friday the energy shifts into the next sign, bringing your attention to your finances for the next four weeks. The very next day a major Full Moon erupts in your house of sex and transformation – you’ll feel this one deep in all your cells. But what you’ve truly been waiting for comes on Sunday – Mercury FINALLY goes direct in your own sign.


It might feel like nothing much is happening during the workweek, but by the time you get to the weekend, you won’t even believe what’s on your plate. The Sun moves into your own sign on Friday, starting four weeks of birthday fun. Loads of love and attention are about to come your way, Gemini. The next day there’s a powerful Full Moon in your relationship zone, so partnerships might feel both exciting and slightly unstable for a bit. The very last day of the week brings the very best news: your ruler Mercury finally goes direct, ending three weeks of chaos.


This week might make you feel like you’re in two different time zones – a slow, steady and stable one during the workweek, and a crazy fast one starting on Friday. That’s when the Sun switches signs, from sensual Taurus to chatty Gemini – into your house of subconscious thought. Your dreams might be unusually intense for the next four weeks; try to write them down. On Saturday a Full Moon descends in your house of work, bringing a project you started about six months ago to a crescendo. Finally, Mercury goes direct on Sunday, ending all the recent communication breakdowns just in time.


This week goes from one extreme to the other, starting off slow and ending on hyper-speed. From Monday to Thursday things are relatively stable, but when the Sun moves into your social zone on Friday, everything begins to spin. For the next four weeks, it might be difficult to keep up with all the demands for your attention. On Saturday the energy intensifies as a fiery Full Moon hits your love/creativity zone. There’s no holding you back now, Lioness – especially when it comes to pleasure-seeking. Sunday might be the best day of all, as Mercury finally goes direct in your career zone.


This week might start off slowly – or even seem a bit boring. But just wait for the weekend – that’s when everything takes off like a rocket. The Sun leaves your travel zone and heads into your house of professional endeavors on Friday, setting you up for four weeks of achievement. The very next day, a Full Moon lands in your home zone, bringing a bit of drama to your domestic scene – try not to let anything get out of hand. But Sunday is what you’ve been waiting for: your ruler Mercury finally goes direct. Take your hand off the pause button and press play, Virgo.

The cosmic energy is likely to seem slow and soupy as the week begins, but the pace quickens considerably near the weekend. However, the Moon will be in your own sign from Monday evening through Wednesday, so you’ll surely have the edge over other signs – work that strategy! On Friday the Sun moves into a fellow air sign, making you feel loads more at home in the universe. Travel will be quite inspirational (and aspirational) for the next four weeks. The Full Moon hits your communication zone on Saturday, and the best news of the week comes on Sunday – Mercury goes direct!


You’ll be dreamy and have a strange sense of time as the week begins, but by Friday you’ll wake up, raring to go. That’s because the Sun shifts out of your opposite sign and moves into Gemini right on the cusp of the weekend. The next four weeks are an excellent time to explore the depths of intimacy and sexuality. The next day a powerful Full Moon lands in your money zone, making financial issues feel a bit emotional, rather than practical. Best news of the week: Mercury goes direct on Sunday, whipping your relationships back into shape.


It’s quite a week in your stars! You won’t begin to feel the intensity until you draw close to the end of the workweek, however. The Sun moves into your partnership zone on Friday, igniting four-weeks of heightened activity around your relationships – single Sadges might find themselves looking at a potential new paramour. The biggest event of all comes on Saturday, when the Full Moon explodes in your own sign. This is your emotional check-in moment – have you achieved what you wanted since your last birthday? All the chaos of the last few weeks begins to fade starting on Sunday, when Mercury goes direct.


This week might be deceiving, mainly because it starts so slowly. But it will only remain uneventful until Friday, when the Sun moves from languid Taurus to non-stop action Gemini on Friday. You’ll be instantly inspired to get to work, and might try to re-organize your entire life (plus your wardrobe) in the next four weeks. The next day there’s a powerful Full Moon in your dream zone, making you focus within – your intuition will be off the charts all weekend. The most fantastic news arrives on Sunday, when Mercury finally goes direct in your romance and creativity zone.


The week won’t pick up much until Friday, but you’ll hardly believe how quickly things change right before the weekend. That’s when the Sun switches signs from sensual Taurus to can’t-stop-talking Gemini, where it will pump up your romantic and creative life for the next four weeks. On Saturday there’s a powerful Full Moon in Sagittarius, one that will open up your house of friends to unlimited possibilities. Things could get intense super fast, so be careful of what you say. What you’ve been waiting for since late April finally arrives on Sunday – Mercury Retrograde ends, clearing up all the miscommunications.


Things are changing this week, in a major way. But you won’t sense that until the end of the workweek, Pisces. The cosmic narrative begins to shift on Friday, when the Sun moves into Gemini, filling up your house of home and family for the next four weeks. Domestic concerns will rule. There’s a powerful Full Moon in your career zone on Saturday, so you might find yourself thinking about professional matters as you make your way through the weekend. Finally, things start to go forward – Mercury goes direct on Sunday, clearing misunderstandings and putting your gadgets and other technology back on track.

Sherene Vismaya Schostak

Sherene Schostak, M.A. is a Jungian analyst, author and metaphysician who specializes in helping creative artists transform their addictions and creative blocks. She is a professional astrologer in private practice in San Francisco and New York City for the past eighteen years. http://sherenevismaya.com/.