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Horoscopes for February 1-7th, 2016 – The Saturn Sisters Horoscopes for February 1-7th, 2016 – The Saturn Sisters


Joan Collins



The Moon is incredibly dark, Venus conjuncts Pluto in Capricorn, Mars is in Scorpio about to square the New Moon…and frankly we’re just not in the mood for anything that wastes our time. Keep it real!

Weekly 1 – 7 February 2016


After an intense mood passes on Monday, the workweek is equal parts productive and adventurous. You’ve got a touch of wanderlust but you understand exactly how to pour that creative spark into work. By the weekend things get intense again – and perhaps a bit more so on the relationship and/or career front. You might feel pulled between love and responsibility. Be open to romantic surprises because a sudden plot twist can rewrite your story – with a very happy ending. A harsh square between the Sun and Mars makes Sunday a day to #Netflixandchill – if you leave the house you’re bound to get into an argument.

It’s finally a steady-as-she-goes kind of week – your favorite kind! This is at least true Monday through Thursday, because as you approach the weekend the stars get a bit trickier. When your ruling planet Venus gets together with transformative Pluto on Friday, intensity is the name of the game. Everything feels a lot deeper and more provocative than it would on an ordinary day. Try not to be dire, because by Sunday, the energy will feel quite different – and much more free. Focus on creative ways to instantly charge up your career juju for the coming month – there is almost too much inspiration out there.


Get out there and make things happen this week, Gemini. Now that Mercury Retrograde is a full week behind you, you’re starting to feel like you can do this thing we call life once again – and do it with gusto. You might be a bit obsessed with love and sex between Tuesday and Saturday, but don’t let that stop you from making big-time professional ground. Saturday is one of the busiest astrological days of the week, but don’t let weird, passing moods discombobulate you. You can get ahead if you keep your eyes squarely on the prize – oodles of income in the coming months.


You’re super-duper productive early this week, Cancer. As you climb out of the tiresome shadow of Mercury Retrograde, which ended last Monday, you’re getting ready for a new-and-improved game-plan. This will enhance both your personal and professional relationships – it’s as if you suddenly understand the nuances of diplomatic communication in a transformational way. This is especially evident on Friday, even if it’s overwhelming. With Pluto and Venus converging in your partnership zone, romance can feel heavy and troubling. But it shouldn’t, because karma is taking over now, and the cosmos are steering you and your lover exactly where you need to be.


After the tumultuousness of the past month, you’re so ready for this delightfully calm workweek, Leo. The weekend, however, brings its fair share of emotional bumps and hiccups. You’re masterfully creative on Tuesday and Wednesday, but by Thursday and Friday you get a bit more serious. Prepare to be crazily productive on Saturday – you’re totally inspired and romantically-inclined, but you might not find anyone to match your energy levels (except for other fire signs – especially fellow Leos). Sunday is a good day to stay way out of the fray – the Sun and Mars are fighting – and you might end up arguing with your partner.


The stars are charging you up with the energy you need to dive back into life, Virgo. Mercury Retrograde always affects you more than others, and a week after its turn to direct motion, you’re finally starting to feel more like yourself. Get plenty of basic stuff done during the workweek because by the weekend you’ll want to test your creative limits. Anchor yourself in the possible, not the practical, on Friday and Saturday. Over the weekend your luck seems to spring eternal, as your ruling planet works in harmony with expansive Jupiter, in your own sign through the summer.


This week starts out smooth and gets a bit rocky by the end, but it’s nothing a bit of charming diplomacy can’t handle – and you’ve got loads of that. You’re all about making money and paying off debts from Monday to Wednesday, but as you approach the weekend you feel a bit more serious and internally-focused. Family matters, love and intimacy reign supreme on Friday, when your ruling planet Venus conjuncts transformative Pluto in your house of home. Push through to the other side of whatever challenges you face – this is no time for superficial observation – you must go deep.


The week begins with the Moon in your own deliciously intense sign, Scorpio – that’s exactly where you want the lunar energy to be. Grab it and cash in on your charm because it only lasts through the evening. By Tuesday you’re all about making money, and you do it so well. Note that even though the workweek is relatively tepid, the weekend is the exact opposite, thanks to your ruling planet Pluto. On Friday the planet of transformation joins with Mercury, making minor conversations into life-changing events. Saturday and Sunday are total wildcards, thanks to a bevy of conflicting planets doing their own thing.


Get ready to take over, Sadge, because is the best week you’ve experienced in a long time. Not only is Mercury Retrograde a full week behind you, but the Moon is in your own adventurous, wild & crazy sign on Tuesday and Wednesday. This peak-energy phase brings all your awesomeness to the surface so that even random passersby can sense it. In other words, your charisma is off the charts. By Friday you’re thinking about how to make some major money, and the planets (specifically Venus and Pluto) are bringing a seriously intense, relentless focus to your finances.


Your birthday month might be over but later this week you get a taste of your native Capricorn superpowers. Before you get there, you might feel like retreating within, especially on Tuesday, Wednesday, and early Thursday. When the Moon enters your own sign late on Thursday night, everything explodes in the best possible way. Not only will you have some lovely lunar energy on your side through the weekend, you’ll also have a transformative and sexy conjunction of Venus and Pluto peaking on Friday. You totally have it going ON right now. Be careful about sparring about money matters on Sunday – it’s not worth it.


February officially arrives on Monday, and you’re a bona fide winner this month. Not only is it your birthday season, but Mercury has been direct for a week now. It gets even better on Tuesday and Wednesday thanks to the Moon’s presence in your social zone – your favorite part of your horoscope. By the weekend you’d prefer to hunker down with your own thoughts and your journal, but a little bit of inward focus will bring you a whole lot of insight now. When Mars squares off with the Sun on Sunday, it’s best not to involve your ego in any interactions with others.


The stars are shining exactly as you want them to right now, Pisces – that is to say that they’re shedding light on formerly confusing matters. This is because Mercury Retrograde ended a full week ago, and by the time February begins everything should have turned around completely. If the truth hasn’t come out yet, it should definitely do so this week. You’re completely career-obsessed from Tuesday through early morning on Thursday – use that drive to get ahead. The weekend is a bit messier, so don’t take on more than you can deal with, especially in the emotional realm.

Sherene Vismaya Schostak

Sherene Schostak, M.A. is a Jungian analyst, author and metaphysician who specializes in helping creative artists transform their addictions and creative blocks. She is a professional astrologer in private practice in San Francisco and New York City for the past eighteen years. http://sherenevismaya.com/.