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Horoscopes for the Full Moon in Leo – The Saturn Sisters Horoscopes for the Full Moon in Leo – The Saturn Sisters

leo drawing

Weekly January 17 – 23 2016


The week you’ve been waiting for all January is finally here, Aries! The stars have been pretty much a mess most of the month, but things are starting to shape up fast. Even if you’ve felt rather serious since 2016 started, on Wednesday you should realize that every Ram really needs a little bit of fun with her friends. Saturday’s amazingly romantic and flirtatious Full Moon will arrive just in time to light your love life on fire. Don’t stay home tonight, or at least don’t be alone. It’s not like you’ll be light on invitations. If you’re not feeling besotted at the moment, you’ll surely be mega-creative, so break out your journal or sketchbook or just dance around the house: you need to express yourself with wild abandon right now.


January is switching gears this week, and it couldn’t come soon enough. You’ve had enough of the cosmic muck the last few weeks, and you’re ready to see 2016 start to turn around. That begins to happen at midweek, when a bright new phase opens for your career. Between now and late February, you’ve got to launch something huge, Taurus. Saturday brings a delightfully fun and uber-romantic Full Moon – don’t sit this one out. You might be in the mood for an intimate dinner at home for two – made by you or your current love interest. It’s getting hot in here, even though it’s still cold outside.


Guess what, Gem? Mercury Retrograde is ALMOST OVER. We can hear you shouting WOO from all the way over here. That joyous occasion happens early next week, but in the meantime, the stars begin to shift into a more pleasant gear this week. Wednesday is the day things start to look up. You’re suddenly in the mood for a vacation, so if you don’t have anything booked during the next four weeks, get to planning – you can have the time of your life. Saturday brings a truly fabulous Full Moon, one that will make you inordinately chatty and super duper flirty. It’ll be hard to contain your enthusiasm and your affection.


The best week of 2016 so far starts now, Cancer. You’ve been a bit frustrated with the molasses-slow pace of the month, but at midweek things begin to shift a bit. You can push through changes without hesitation, and the next four weeks are ideal for getting ahead of your debt. You’ve got the analytical skills to master your bank accounts, and the motivation to save big time. Things heat up over the weekend, when a fiercely awesome Full Moon ramps up your earning potential, possibly bestowing you the most lucrative idea you’ve had in months.


2016 may have been a bit lame so far, but that all changes this week, Leo! By Wednesday you’ll really begin to feel the shift, because it will have a direct influence on your love life. For the next four weeks you’re all about relationships – it’s time to improve your partnerships at the root level. If you’re single this is a great time to focus on what you really want in an “other half.” But nothing compares to Saturday, when the Full Moon alights in your very own dramatic, charismatic sign. Saturday is the best date night of the month – if not the year.


Your ruler Mercury remains in retrograde through next week, but you’ll sense a welcome shift starting right now, Virgo – and not a moment too soon. January has not been that awesome so far, but it’s about to get much, much better. On Wednesday you might begin to feel the urge to organize even more than usual – the next four weeks are all about amazing productivity. Your work life should be truly lucrative between now and late February. This weekend brings the Full Moon you’ve waited for since last summer. Pay close attention to your dreams – they’re definitely trying to tell you something.


Welcome to what might feel like the first decent week of January, Libra! So far 2016 probably hasn’t been your favorite year ever, but it’s about to get a whole lot better, starting this Wednesday. As the Sun shifts into a complementary sign, life improves markedly – and so does your craving for romance. For the next four weeks you’re crazy creative and in love with love. Saturday night’s gorgeous Full Moon will only hype up the flirty vibe – you’ll want to be out and about with friends. If you’re single, it’s all about surrounding yourself with your wing-women – they’ll help you choose the best possibilities in the crowd.


January is about to get pretty awesome, Scorpio, and not a moment too soon. The retrograde has been dragging your spirit down, and even though it doesn’t end until next week, you’re about to round the cosmic corner. Plus, on Wednesday the Sun moves into a new sign and everything starts to feel a lot less heavy. For the next month you’ll do well to emphasize home and family matters – it’s a great time for real estate, organizing, decorating and hanging with your loved ones. There’s a fabulous Full Moon on Saturday, one that will wake up your career in ways you haven’t dared to expect. Something you started last summer is finally coming to fruition.


The stars are bringing you a bit of what you’ve wanted all month, but were barred from getting thanks to the retrograde. Mercury won’t go direct until next week, but in the meantime there are some pretty excellent developments on tap. The first bit of good news comes on Wednesday, when the Sun moves into fresh territory. For the next month you should definitely emphasis all forms of communication, Sadge – because you’ve got the Midas Touch when it comes to words. You can write, speak, text and give perfect speeches now, so don’t be afraid to speak up (as if you’d ever be afraid.) Get up on that soapbox stat! Don’t miss out on Saturday night’s amazingly fiery, flirty and super adventurous Full Moon – it’s a showstopper.


This week brings a bit more of what you’ve wanted all month, especially in the form of cold, hard cash. Starting on Wednesday the Sun moves into a new sign, leaving your constellation but emphasizing money matters for the next four weeks. This is when all your brilliant ambition begins to pay off, Capricorn. Get your budget in perfect shape before Mercury goes direct next week, so you know exactly what to expect – and what pretty things to spend your resources on. There’s a sweet and lovely Full Moon on Saturday night, and you’ll long to curl up next to someone you love – you’re dying for cuddles and the sharing of secrets.


Everything begins to come together for you this week, Aquarius! The Sun moves into your very own eclectic/electric sign on Wednesday, signaling the start of your birthday month – so you can officially begin waving your freak flag a little bit higher. Next week, after Mercury goes direct, you’ll be even more in the mood to celebrate. In the meantime there is a phenomenal, super fun Full Moon on Saturday night. This will awaken your interest in relationship matters, whether you’re currently single or attached. If you met someone or started a new phase of your current partnership last summer, you’ll probably get some important clarity this weekend.


The stars are finally lifting the annoying pall of the last few weeks, so you’ll probably start to like 2016 a lot better now, Pisces. Mercury doesn’t go direct until next week, but when the Sun shifts into a new sign (Aquarius) the heaviness of the last few weeks will start to lift. You can analyze your way out of any exhausting emotional situations now – the extra bit of intellectual insight will help you out of any lingering dark moods. And just wait until Saturday, when the Full Moon brings thrills galore. It’s romantic, flirty and fun and you should definitely do something with your time other than watching Netflix alone.

Sherene Vismaya Schostak

Sherene Schostak, M.A. is a Jungian analyst, author and metaphysician who specializes in helping creative artists transform their addictions and creative blocks. She is a professional astrologer in private practice in San Francisco and New York City for the past eighteen years. http://sherenevismaya.com/.