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Horoscopes for the Week of August 22nd, 2016 – The Saturn Sisters Horoscopes for the Week of August 22nd, 2016 – The Saturn Sisters

venus in virgo

This week we’re finally moving through the finale of the Mars-Saturn conjunction which grinds everything to what feels like a painful halt, not excluding literal constipation. Speaking of purgation, we’re feeling the need to detox, de-clutter and decrease our speed until after Sept 1st when the true eclipse season starts and the Moon starts waxing again. We’re also on the edge of Jupiter changing signs to Libra, but before he does he’s working on Chiron in Pisces, as are Mercury and Venus. Chiron is the Wounded Healer archetype which reveals our deepest wound AND our most powerful potential for healing ourselves and others. The next P40 is devoted to working with this rare and potent time of healing potential. We start right on the New Moon Solar Eclipse on September 1st to maximize the Virgo healing energies and need for daily routine and structure which P40 provides by the boatloads. This includes discounted Jungian Analysis/astrological reading packages with Sherene to work with  your chart to better understand how your natal Chiron placement influences your core psychological complexes and the potential for radical healing during this time.



Weekly August 22-28th 2016


The summer is moving into its final phase as the Sun slips into Virgo on Monday. This is why “back-to-school” mode feels the way it does – it’s all about getting organized, and sharpening your pencils as you sharpen your mind. With light flooding into your sixth house of work and health for the next four weeks, you can attend to the details of both your physical and workaday self. Mars and Saturn join forces in your house of philosophy on Wednesday, forcing you to live up to your ideals. This may not be comfortable, but it’s totally necessary, Aries – and your world will expand exponentially.


It’s your kind of week, Taurus. On Monday the Sun moves into a sister earth sign for the final phase of summer, bringing much pleasure to your life for the next four weeks. With your romance and creativity zone lit up until late September, you can focus on what matters most: LOVE. Love of self, love of partners, love of children, family and friends – or just love of art. Make sure everything you do is inspired by that theme. On Wednesday Mars, planet of action, joins with Saturn, planet of constriction. You will feel pushed and pulled, especially when it comes to your intimate relationships.


The stars shift in a whole new direction this week, after a tumultuous few months. The Sun moves into the organized, efficient sign of Virgo on Monday, inspiring you to get serious about home-based projects. If you’ve neglected your physical home this summer, or at least neglected your inner world, the planets want you to look within now. Pay attention to your psyche, Gemini: there are important messages streaming in. Stop running around from party to art opening to work and back again – slow down and meditate. You’ll surely need this come Wednesday, when fiery Mars clashes with solid Saturn, putting relationships under the microscope.


Everything is changing this week, Cancer, and you’ll love the new cosmic direction. The stress and strife of this wild and crazy summer begins to wane a bit during the next few weeks, thanks to the entrance of the Sun into solid Virgo this Monday. Sure, you’ll still have two eclipses and a Mercury Retrograde to get through, but with so much positive energy in your communication zone, you’ll know how to articulate your feelings, and that can make all the difference. Watch out for Wednesday, because the Mars/Saturn conjunction is not kidding. Batten down the hatches and hold the fort.


The Sun leaves your sign on Monday, Leo – but don’t despair. Just because you won’t be right in the spotlight doesn’t mean life sucks, not by any stretch of the imagination. In fact, for the next four weeks you can make your most outsized financial dreams come true. Focus on making and saving money now and you’ll seed your extremely fabulous future – making the next six months quite profitable. The only thing to be wary of this week is the conjunction of Mars and Saturn in your love zone on Wednesday. This can bring an intensely dramatic climax to a romantic affair or a creative project.


Your time in the Sun has arrived, darling Virgo – quite literally. The Sun moves into your very own stars on Monday, where it will remain for the next four weeks. In other words, even if you were born in September, your birthday month arrives NOW. Time to start celebrating, especially because Mercury Retrograde begins next week. Even though you’re the queen of everything for the next thirty days, there are a few bumps, including the clash of powerful Mars and Saturn in your house of home and family. Your closest relationships can be quite intense for the remainder of the week.

Summer will stick around for another four weeks, but the vibe changes markedly on Monday. That’s when the Sun moves into Virgo, the sign that rules your house of dreams. You’re about to experience a month of intense inner investigation, Libra. The more you can spend time contemplating your psyche’s needs, the better you’ll feel by the time your birthday comes next month. Wednesday brings action-planet Mars into direct contact with stern Saturn, joining forces in your communication zone. Your words are hardcore now. Try not to hurt anyone when you tell it like it is, but at the same time – don’t hold back.


The Sun changes signs on Monday, transforming your life. Networking really matters during the next four weeks, Scorpio, so don’t forge your path alone – especially your professional path. If you want to manifest your goals, you can find the right people to help you get there between now and late September. Call upon your friends and colleagues instead of going solo whenever possible. Intensity has been building toward Wednesday’s main cosmic event for at least a week, if not more. That’s when your ruler Mars converges with serious Saturn in your house of money. Buckle down and get your finances in order – or else.


There’s a major shift in the stars this week, Sadge. The Sun changes signs on Monday, moving from dramatic Leo to perfectionist Virgo. The next four weeks are ideal for focusing on your career with all the gusto you can muster. Despite the upcoming Mercury Retrograde in your house of professional endeavors, you will be able to make some serious strides if you start organizing right away. Wednesday brings the conjunction of Mars and Saturn in your own sign – something that’s been building for weeks. It’s been overwhelming, but from here forward the energy will calm down and dissipate – it’s time to exhale and heal.


The week begins with a major shift: the Sun moves into Virgo, an earth sign just like yours. The next four weeks should feel safe, comfortable and solid, Capricorn – despite some tumultuousness from the upcoming Mercury Retrograde. The emphasis will be on travel and mind-expansion – opening up your world as much as possible. You’re setting the stage for some incredible trips right now – whether they’re mind-trips or ones that require getting on a plane. The rougher bit of the week comes on Wednesday, when Mars, planet of action and war, clashes with your ruler Saturn. Rest and rejuvenate – it gets better from here on out.


Things are changing this week, and it starts on Monday. That’s when the Sun moves into detail-oriented Virgo, bringing some intense focus to your sex life. Between now and late September, you’ll think a lot about what the word intimacy really means to you, Aquarius. When Mercury goes retrograde next week, the contemplation will get even more intense. But nothing compares to the powerful fireworks this Wednesday, when Mars and Saturn meet up in your house of friends and goals. One of your projects is coming to fruition now – but it will not go gentle into the good night: your collaborations have staying power.


Virgo season begins Monday, which is to say that intense focus on your relationships starts right now. Partnership rules your world for the next thirty days, for better or worse. Better, because the Sun will be in your house of other people, and potentially worse, because this is where Mercury will begin to retrograde next week. Past and future are merging and you have to figure out how to remain in the present. On Wednesday, Mars and Saturn converge in your career zone. This is your moment, Pisces – it’s up to you to infuse it with the proper amount of power.

Sherene Vismaya Schostak

Sherene Schostak, M.A. is a Jungian analyst, author and metaphysician who specializes in helping creative artists transform their addictions and creative blocks. She is a professional astrologer in private practice in San Francisco and New York City for the past eighteen years. http://sherenevismaya.com/.