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Horoscopes for the Week of August 3rd – The Saturn Sisters Horoscopes for the Week of August 3rd – The Saturn Sisters



Weekly 3 – 9 August 2015


The first full week of August is definitely a super busy one for you, Aries. The Moon fires up your own sign for the first few days, and a series of powerful aspects carry you through until the weekend. You might feel like your optimism is being tested, especially about the love and pleasure in your life. It’s as if your enthusiasm is right there under the surface, but someone or something somehow dams it up. Get to the bottom of it without exploding any relationships, and you’ll come out on top. Your ruler Mars moves into your pleasure zone on Saturday: passion rules.


This week is not short on powerful astrology, Taurus – ready yourself. Jupiter and Saturn square off on Monday, pitting your ideals against your practical side – the part of you that just wants to get things done. Your relationships are right in the crosshairs of this intense aspect – tend to them carefully. The loveliest bit of the week comes on Tuesday when your ruler Venus makes a sweet connection with lucky Jupiter in your house of home and family – lap up the love. By the weekend you’re all about pleasure, and you’re willing to do what it takes to get yourself some.


August has arrived and it’s bringing a ton of astro-aspects to the table immediately – get ready to feel many feelings this week! Jupiter and Saturn argue on Monday, shaking the world a bit, and making your conversations a bit tense. Aim to walk through any debates slowly and carefully in order to avoid inordinate, unnecessary conflict. Tuesday is perhaps the most delightful day of the week, thanks to romance-besotted Venus and expansive Jupiter’s big kiss in the sky. Savor this for as long as you can, because the remainder of the week could bring more frustration and confusion.


This first week of August is perhaps the most cosmically overwhelming, so take a deep breath and plunge in. Monday brings a powerful square between Jupiter, the planet of luck and expansion, and Saturn, the planet of constriction and life-lessons. That’s a recipe for a bit of conflict and confusion, so don’t press any issue too hard if you can avoid it. Tuesday is the loveliest and possibly most lucrative day of the week, with money/love planet Venus cozying up to lucky Jupiter in your financial zone. Cha-ching! Friday brings Mercury to your communication zone: you won’t stop talking for the next three weeks.


It’s the first full week of August and of the return of Venus to your own sign – you’re backtracking a bit when it comes to love and life, but you’re figuring things out along the way. While Monday is the hardest day of the week thanks to a challenging square from Saturn (currently in your house of home and family) the rest of the week isn’t bad at all. Tuesday, in fact, is rather glamorous. Venus and Jupiter are wrapped up in a sexy, dramatic embrace in your own sign. Exes coming out of the woodwork? Oh yes indeed.


Monday brings your ideals and ideas into conflict with your old patterns, Virgo – you might struggle to figure out what belongs where, so consider hashing it out in your journal or talking to a close friend. Tuesday is perhaps one of the most romantic, evocative days of the summer. With Jupiter and Venus in a tight embrace, opportunities for creativity, pleasure, love and much more abound. The following day things get a bit trickier as Saturn gets into the mix, throwing a wrench into your communication patterns. But when Mars moves into your house of subconscious thought on Saturday, you’re the master of your dreams.


Your lovely ruler Venus is the star of the show early this week, taking center stage on both Tuesday and Wednesday. First she’ll light up your life with endless love, beauty and friendship – you might even be overwhelmed with all the good, positive vibes coming from all sectors. By midweek you hit a bit of a speed-bump – the stars are telling you to slow down and assess, Libra. However by the weekend, when passionate Mars moves into your networking zone, you won’t be able to help yourself – your love and sex life are raring to go to go for the next six weeks.


The first workweek of August starts out with a bit of a challenge for you, Scorpio. As early as Monday someone (possibly a colleague, family member or friend) might question your authority about something you’re quite sure of. Try not to let the discussion get out of hand. Tuesday and Wednesday bring some strangely mixed messages from Venus – you might experience both highs and lows when it comes to both your love life and your career – be ready for both. On Saturday your ruler Mars joins Venus, Mercury and the Sun in your career zone – your professional prospects are totally on the rise!

This is an incredibly fiery week, Sadge! Despite some ups and downs as the planets intersect with your horoscope, you’re sure to love the outcome. Monday is probably the most challenging day as your optimistic ruler squares off with serious Saturn. Your brilliant ideas could be immediately dismissed, but don’t worry – doubters will come around, possibly by Tuesday. That’s when Venus and Jupiter lean in for a close embrace, setting your love life afire, and bringing loads of potential for long-distance travel and mind-expansion. This ramps up considerably on Saturday, when Mars moves into Leo; one thing you won’t be is bored.


There’s quite a thrilling week ahead, Capricorn, so buckle in and prepare to be amazed. Monday is a bit tough and full of questions large and small. On one level you want to break free of convention and soar, while on the other you’re feeling constricted by other people’s parameters. Tuesday is mega-romantic and crazy sexy, so clear some of your schedule and make way for your desires. Wednesday might bring that to a bit of a halt, but it all revs up again on Saturday, when Mars, planet of passion, moves into your house of sex. That’s exactly as good as is sounds: ENJOY.


This is one of those weeks that you may remember for a long time, Aquarius. Relationships are your absolutely everything at the moment. It doesn’t matter if you’re currently attached or totally single – your current astrology is all about navigating one-to-one dynamics with another person. On Monday it’s kind of tricky; you might find yourself in a philosophical debate of sorts with your lover. Tuesday is perhaps the most magical and romantic day of the summer – but watch out for the return of exes. The weekend brings both passion and provocation into play – sometimes you have to fight in order to make up properly.


This week’s stars are serving you so much fun and love that you might not know what delicious portion to try out first. The only issue is balancing your work life with your love life – because you’re likely to have many demands and opportunities at the office as well. A colleague could challenge your worldview on Monday – be ready to stand up for what you believe in. Tuesday is incredibly romantic but also crazy busy – get the work done so you have time for fun (which you totally deserve). Mercury moves into your relationship zone on Sunday, triggering a few weeks of intense talks.

Sherene Vismaya Schostak

Sherene Schostak, M.A. is a Jungian analyst, author and metaphysician who specializes in helping creative artists transform their addictions and creative blocks. She is a professional astrologer in private practice in San Francisco and New York City for the past eighteen years. http://sherenevismaya.com/.