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Horoscopes for the Week of February 15th, 2016 – The Saturn Sisters Horoscopes for the Week of February 15th, 2016 – The Saturn Sisters

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Mars rages on in Scorpio fuelling our deepest desires, shadows and insecurities. Venus moves into Aquarius, so the desire to share our darkness on social networks for support is a beautiful thing until it crosses that line. And with the waxing Moon in Leo opposing Mercury on Saturday and squaring Mars on Sunday, watch the power, placement and presence of your words. This is just the preview of next week’s Full Moon in Virgo (Mercury’s ruled sign).

In response to the powerful need for a Mercury-Mars outlet, Sherene has created a new P40 starting on the Full Moon, February 22nd for another 40 Day journaling-transformational online intensive that will not only teach you the Tarot, but reveal how to be the hero/heroine of your own life.  We’re pulling out all of the stops with this one: journaling, guided emails on the theme of Tarot with gorgeous images of icons and legends, witchy rituals for love and money, plus recorded daily meditations with the mistress of magic, Katelan Foisy and sharing a collection of powerful iconic images to bring the Tarot cards to life from fashion/cultural historian. Laura McLaws Helms. The readings are almost sold out so if you want the full experience, jump in ASAP: PROJECT 40: TAROT: IMAGES AND ICONS


Weekly 15 – 21 February 2016


It’s a week of both dreams and detachment, Aries. Venus moves into Aquarius, a sign not known for its emotional depth, on Tuesday. This can bring a strong sense of rational analysis to your relationships – especially your ties to friends and your wider social network. But just a few days later, on Friday, the Sun moves into Pisces, the ruler of your house of subconscious thought. This will plunge you into the depths of your own psyche for the next four weeks, making it a super ripe time to deepen your self-knowledge. With a fiery, romantic weekend on tap, blend the best of both worlds.


There’s a big transition in store this week, Taurus. Things begin to shift when your ruling planet Venus moves into super intellectual Aquarius on Tuesday. For the next few weeks, especially when it comes to love, you might find yourself thinking first about strategy and second about soul-connections. However the Sun moves into Pisces on Friday, making the vibe a bit softer and dreamier, especially when it comes to your relationships with friends and collaborators. Prepare to tap into your psychic social network for the next four weeks. You might find people respond to your thoughts before you’ve shared – and you can read them, too.


This week brings a bit more of the same old same old, but then something completely different right before the weekend – something that will transform your career options. Starting on Tuesday, the planet of love shifts into Aquarius, an air sign like your own, bringing plenty of intellectual stimulation and a craving for travel. In fact, when you get on the road your love life expands exponentially. On Friday the Sun moves into the mystical sign of Pisces, spending the next four weeks in your professional zone. Your creativity is through the roof now and can bring loads of opportunities.


The stars are shifting positions this week, Cancer – and your inner world will turn in the right direction. Venus moves from your love zone, where she’s spent the last few weeks, into your house of sex and deep intimacy. The coming weeks could bring a whole new level of profound connection to your lover – or if you’re single, it might bring a new one into your life. By Friday the Sun moves into a water sign like your very own, bringing the rest of the world into the emotional space that you inhabit all the time. This will unleash your craving for adventure.


It’s a new week and a whole new you, Leo! Venus, the planet of love, beauty and money, is moving into your house of relationships on Tuesday. This sets you up for a few glorious weeks of romance and deep connection – exactly what you’ve been craving. You’re also super talented at finding new sources of income, or new partners to work with. On Friday the Sun moves into your house of intimacy and debt, so you might have to let go of something (or someone) in order to gain a new perspective on your values. It’s all worth it – don’t be afraid to change.


You’ll feel a bit quiet and still this week, as you approach the Full Moon in your own sign next Monday. In the meantime there’s plenty of astrology on tap in the now, Virgo. Venus, planet of love and beauty, moves into your house of work on Tuesday. Prepare to get even more productive than usual, and that’s saying a lot for you. Just make sure your anxiety doesn’t rise with your ability to multitask. On Friday the Sun moves into your opposite sign – your house of relationships. This brings a powerful emphasis on love and partnership over the next four weeks.


It’s a new week and you’re feeling some big changes in the air, Libra. On Tuesday your ruling planet shifts into your romance zone, delivering you a few awesomely pleasurable weeks. With Venus in the part of your chart in charge of love and creativity, almost anything is possible. Do feel free to flirt like it’s your actual job. The Sun moves into your house of productivity on Friday, emphasizing your schedule and various work projects for the next few weeks. Your new official mantra will be: “GET IT DONE!” Nothing can stop you now, both at work and in love.


There are some rather major shifts in the stars this week, Scorpio, so holding fast to the old ways won’t serve you now – you must be prepared to shed the past. On Tuesday, Venus moves into your home zone, flooding your domestic sphere with love and affection. This is wonderful for family relations and healing old wounds – and it’s also great for dinner parties. On Friday the Sun moves into a deeply psychic water sign like your own, lighting up your house of love, romance and creativity for the next four weeks. Pleasure is your fondest principle now.


Change is in the air this week, and change is oh-so-good for you right now, Sadge. With Venus (the planet in charge of beauty and love) moving into your house of communication on Tuesday, your conversations get a whole lot sweeter for the next few weeks. If you’ve kept your true feelings to yourself recently, this is the perfect opportunity to let them out – they should be received enthusiastically. When the Sun moves into Pisces on Friday, a powerful four-week phase begins in your home zone. The focus will be on family, domestic issues, and any ancestral wounds you still need to heal.


Your birthday month has been over for a few weeks already, but with Venus still in your sign, you’ve continued to feel the love. On Tuesday the planet of beauty and romance shifts into your money zone, attracting the cash you desire at exactly the right moment. This will remain in effect for the next few weeks, so make use of it, Capricorn. On Friday the Sun moves into your house of thinking and communication, intensifying your mental processes and enlivening your conversations. Yes, it’s time to walk your talk – make sure you back up all your words with facts because someone will surely check them.


This week brings brilliant new beginnings and an ending of sorts, but not one that you’re likely to regret. The best day of the week (and perhaps the entire month) is Tuesday, when beautiful Venus, the queen of beauty, love and money, moves into your very own eclectic sign. The next few weeks are ideal for all manner of salon visits, decadent treatments, and shopping galore. Not to mention your fair share of romance and pleasure. Even though the Sun leaves your own sign on Friday, effectively ending your birthday month, it begins a stellar four-week phase for your finances.


Welcome to your birthday month, Pisces! The magic starts right before the weekend, but before you get there, there’s much to process. On Tuesday the planet of beauty, love and money moves into your dream zone, intensifying your fantasy life for the next few weeks. You might find yourself daydreaming even more than usual. Tune into your subconscious mind and connect your deepest feelings. On Friday the Sun moves into your own watery, super psychic constellation, setting you up for four-weeks of merriment. It’s time to let go of self-induced pressure to perform – just let go and ENJOY YOURSELF.

Sherene Vismaya Schostak

Sherene Schostak, M.A. is a Jungian analyst, author and metaphysician who specializes in helping creative artists transform their addictions and creative blocks. She is a professional astrologer in private practice in San Francisco and New York City for the past eighteen years. http://sherenevismaya.com/.