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Horoscopes for the Week of March 14th, 2016 – The Saturn Sisters Horoscopes for the Week of March 14th, 2016 – The Saturn Sisters









Classic Pisces, Cindy Crawford

Weekly 14 – 20 March


The week starts off sexy, then grows cheerful, and finally ends with a breath of fresh air. Your ruler Mars opposes Venus on Monday, putting you in very amorous mood. You might start a fight just for the makeup session that will come later. On Tuesday Mercury opposes Jupiter, making you fairly feisty and opinionated. When Jupiter trines Pluto on Wednesday, big ideas are on the table, and you’re crazily productive. Push your agenda gently yet steadily. Finally, the biggest moment of the week arrives on early Sunday morning: the Sun moves into Aries, signaling the start of spring – and even better, your birthday month!


The stars are BUSY this week, Taurus. You’ll be whisked through a series of emotions from Monday to Friday. The first thing you’ll feel on Monday is a longing for romance, as your ruler Venus gets into a tiff with warrior planet Mars. The next two days are dominated by lucky Jupiter, making everything bigger and bolder. Feel your potential and use it for creative endeavors. Then over the weekend comes the biggest shift of all – the Sun moves into Aries, welcoming the start of spring. Your house of dreams will be lit up for the next month – expect a rich fantasy life.


It’s quite a week in the cosmos, Gemini, and thanks to Mercury, you’re right in the center of it all. If you’re up and down and all over the place on Monday, Tuesday and Thursday, just take a few deep breaths and avoid getting caught up in superficial gossip. Stick to the stuff that matters – you will prevail if you aim for substance over silliness. The most important moment of the week arrives overnight on Saturday into Sunday morning – it’s the Vernal Equinox. It’s time to start anew, especially when it comes to your most important long-term goals – the ones that require collaboration.


Spring is imminent, Cancer – green shoots of newness are sprouting up all over the place. Before the season turns this weekend, the workweek is looking a bit bumpy, but it’s nothing you can’t handle. You’re a bit more emotional than usual, thanks to the intense activity of Mercury in Pisces. But with the Moon in your own sign for most of the week you’ve got the stability and security to weather any changes – big or small. Spring officially arrives late on Saturday night into Sunday morning, setting you up for a stellar month of success with the Sun in your house of career.


Welcome to spring, Leo! Well, almost – you’ll have to get through a crazy-making week first. Intimacy issues are on your mind, along with a strong focus on money and security. By the time you get to the weekend you’ll be totally ready for the Spring Equinox, arriving overnight between Saturday and Sunday morning. This mega-event sets you on fire in the best possible way. With the Sun in your house of international travel and philosophy for the next thirty days, you just can’t get enough of the world. Trust that even the biggest ideas can be bigger – and be open to all the wisdom you encounter.


Relationships dominate your consciousness through this somewhat controversial week, but there is light – and what looks like a huge rainbow at the end of the tunnel. Your optimism runs high on Monday and Tuesday, but it can be taken down a notch by Thursday, when reality sets in. Be prepared for a bit of emotional flooding through Friday. Saturday is when the going really gets good, because spring is finally, officially here. Late night Saturday into early morning on Sunday, the Vernal Equinox welcomes the Sun into your house of sex. Over the next thirty days, stay fiercely open to your true desires.


Spring is about to blossom, Libra, are you ready? It’s a somewhat bumpy week with an emphasis on work and productivity, but as you move closer to the eclipse in your own sign (exact next week, on the 22nd) you’ll start to feel the intensity bubbling over. What you hate most is feeling unbalanced, so strive to remain calm, centered, and self-aware. Over the weekend the Vernal Equinox officially arrives, setting you up for four weeks of major relationship work. Whether you’re currently in a partnership or just looking, the start of spring is also a new beginning for your love life.


This is it, Scorpio – spring is almost here! Before the new season makes its debut, there’s a workweek full of ups and downs and in-betweens to get through. Mercury is the star of the astro-show this week, making connections to a number of other planets on Monday, Tuesday and Thursday. Your love and creativity zone is getting plenty of stimulation, both stressful and lovely. Use any challenges to push the envelope and next-level both your work and your relationships. The Sun arrives in your house of work late Saturday night/Sunday morning. This is the Vernal Equinox, and it’s just what you’ve been waiting for.


Spring. Is. HERE. But not until the weekend, so prepare to be a bit antsy. You can sense that something huge is coming, but in the meantime you’re focused on your inner life and family relationships. You might have a conversation or perhaps write an emotional letter that you’ve put off this week – Wednesday and Thursday are both excellent days for heartfelt communication. By the time the Vernal Equinox arrives late Saturday night/early Sunday morning, you’re beyond ready to make everything new again. And that’s exactly what the stars will do for you during the next thirty days, starting with your love life.


Shed those winter layers because a brand new season is on the way, Capricorn. Your ability to overcome obstacles is at perhaps the highest level of the month when lucky Jupiter works in concert with Pluto on Wednesday. Before you get to the start of spring you’ll face a brief lunar opposition on Wednesday and Thursday, which can make you a bit moody and tired. Spring makes its first appearance late night Saturday into early Sunday morning. This is the Vernal Equinox, and it’s an extremely powerful moment for you. The Sun lights up your domestic zone for the next thirty days.


Spring has not yet quite sprung – but the amazingness is right around the corner. Before you get there you’ll need to pay close attention to this very interesting workweek, one filled with optimism and a bit of doubt. Don’t let the lower vibes get to you, Aquarius – you can push through any challenges and emerge unscathed. When the Moon moves into your opposite sign on Friday, you might be a bit depleted and therefore punchy. But by the time Vernal Equinox arrives late Saturday night into Sunday morning, you’ll be back in the saddle and ready for major action.


It’s that time of year again, Pisces – spring is about to emerge! In the meantime it’s a bit of a weird workweek, one rife with as many ups as there are downs. Cling to optimism, especially on Tuesday and Wednesday, when your ego might just interfere with your relationship stability. It’s okay to think big this week, as long as you remain practical. The biggest news of the week doesn’t arrive until the weekend – late on Saturday night into early Sunday morning. This is the exact moment of the Vernal Equinox, the real start of spring. You’re a major mogul for the next four weeks.

Sherene Vismaya Schostak

Sherene Schostak, M.A. is a Jungian analyst, author and metaphysician who specializes in helping creative artists transform their addictions and creative blocks. She is a professional astrologer in private practice in San Francisco and New York City for the past eighteen years. http://sherenevismaya.com/.