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Jupiter Enters Virgo for the Next 12 Months–Scopes! – The Saturn Sisters Jupiter Enters Virgo for the Next 12 Months–Scopes! – The Saturn Sisters



10 to 16 August 2015:


There is a seismic shift taking place in the cosmos this week, Aries. The planet of luck and expansion is moving into your work and health zone for the next year. You’ve just wrapped up a time of extreme pleasure and play. It might sound like a drag to have to get back to work after all the fun, but knowing that you’ll have so much fabulousness happening on a daily basis should make it easier to make the adjustment. Plus, you’ll still have plenty of planets lighting up your romance and love zone, (including a fiery New Moon on Friday) to keep the good times rolling, darling.


You’re about to emerge from your internal and creative cocoon this week, Taurus. Jupiter, the planet of big-time luck and pleasure is about to give a huge boost to your love zone starting this week for an entire year. This could be one of your favorite years on record, and the fun starts now. You can tap into your childlike spirit and true joy of self-expression. Plus, it does wonders for your love life. If you have children or want them, this is an excellent new cycle for that as well. The theme is about having an overabundance of what you love.


Your communication zone continues to be highlighted by the current planetary pileup. However, a big change happens on Tuesday when Jupiter moves into the base of your horoscope. You will find your bigger joy in having a home or domestic scene that you love. You are extremely lucky in real estate for the next year and will be craving expansion. The more open and decadent your sanctuary, the better. You’ll also be craving more time in nature and in wide-open settings with family, close friends and those who feel like home to you. In general, the next twelve months bring more optimism and enthusiasm.


You’re about to enter into a major networking and messaging phase for the next year, Cancer. The new energy starts this Tuesday as Jupiter lights up your communication sector. You’ll be learning, speaking, and writing up a storm. Money continues to be a major focus as well as Venus continues to retrograde through your financial zone for a few more weeks. You’re truly learning the deeper lessons around what you value by what you spend your time and money on. Use this Friday’s powerful New Moon to break patterns in your money and love areas once and for all, darling.


There’s a powerful New Moon in your stars arriving this Friday. You’ll be using the days building up to the New Moon to clear away any blocks and stubborn patterns in your relationships. You still have Venus retrograding in your stars for a few more weeks. The other big shift is that Jupiter, the planet of luck and expansion will be leaving your stars after a year on Tuesday. But take heart, Leo because the change is actually good in an entirely new way. Now your money zone reaps the benefits of Jupiter’s good fortune. You can look forward to bigger cash flow over the next twelve months.


Life may have that “too good to be true” feeling at the moment, but don’t fight or question it, darling. There is some stellar news ahead this week, Virgo! Jupiter, the planet of luck and expansion is moving into your stars for a twelve-month run starting this Tuesday. You can look forward to all kinds of good fortune and miracles between now and next summer. Plus, you’ve got a fabulous New Moon taking place this Friday in your house of dreams. Go ahead and pinch yourself, you are wide awake and this is your fabulous reality moving forward, babe.


You’re still feeling the roller coaster ride of the current Venus Retrograde turning your love and financial world upside down. However, good news is on the way as Jupiter will soon be moving into your house of dreams and imagination for the next year. You will feel a brand new cycle of inspiration and heightened creativity about to begin. This is also excellent for long-distance travel and spiritual pursuits. Friday brings a New Moon in your house of friends and long-term goals. Make your wish list in as much detail as possible for the next six months of gorgeous dreams to come.


The stars are making some dramatic changes this week, Scorpio. First off, you’ve got a new lucky cycle kicking off this Tuesday around groups, friendships and dreams. Jupiter will bring good fortune with collaborations and goals for the next year. Plus, this Friday you can look forward to a new career cycle that is just beginning. You’ve learned what you want and don’t want in your professional pursuits and now is the time to set your intentions for the next six months of glamour and crazy levels of popularity and success. All is coming your way now, darling. Come out of hiding.


Your lucky ruler is making a powerful shift and getting ready to shower his blessings on your career zone for the next year. Jupiter will be lighting up the top of your horoscope starting on Tuesday and this is just the beginning of your star potential darling. Get ready to shine like never before. Plus, you have a fiery New Moon taking place this Friday in your long-distance travel zone. Set your itineraries for the next six months of exotic getaways and creative new adventures that feed your spirit. You’ll be back to your awesome jet-ways soon enough, darling.


There is a lot of powerful changes taking place this week, Capricorn. The biggest news is the shift of Jupiter moving into your long-distance travel zone. You are coming out of a period of feeling about obsessed about your financial reality and will now feel a new freedom and call to adventure. The New Moon on Friday is the perfect time to make peace with both your financial reality and your financial goals for the next six months. Wipe away all fears and worry and focus on the positive potential only.


This week brings some incredible shifts in your work and money-making potential. You’re about to tap into some incredible resourcefulness over the next twelve months, Aquarius. Jupiter, the planet of wisdom and luck moves into your house of transformation and sexuality on Tuesday and will be working his magic for the next year there. Relationships get yet another fresh start beginning this Friday with the New Moon in your house of partners. Set your intentions, wishes and goals for the kind of love life you wish to have over the next six months. Keep your heart open and be generous with your list.


Get ready for a major boost to your love and social life starting this Tuesday, Pisces. It’s no longer work, work, work. Your lucky ruler, Jupiter is moving into your relationship zone this Tuesday where he will bring amazing people into your life for the next year. If you’re not already hitched or committed, get ready for some incredible options to do so. If you prefer staying footless and fancy free, you’ll have an awesome array of people to hang with. Friday’s New Moon is a reset around your daily routine and wellness rituals to compliment this extraordinary social life.

Sherene Vismaya Schostak

Sherene Schostak, M.A. is a Jungian analyst, author and metaphysician who specializes in helping creative artists transform their addictions and creative blocks. She is a professional astrologer in private practice in San Francisco and New York City for the past eighteen years. http://sherenevismaya.com/.