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Mercury Rx No More Horoscopes! – The Saturn Sisters Mercury Rx No More Horoscopes! – The Saturn Sisters




Weekly September 18th – 24th


Eclipse season is finally, totally over, Aries – and the tumultuousness is fading fast. This week ushers in kind, cool, and chill fall air – at least in the cosmic sense. You’re no longer in the heat of the moment and it’s a very good thing. The best news comes toward the end of the week – Mercury goes direct on Thursday, ending three annoying weeks of technical snafus and work delays. You’re moving forward on all fronts, from now on. And in the department of even better news, the Autumnal Equinox brings four weeks of amazing developments for your relationships. It’s time to love and be loved.


Exhale, Taurus, because the hardest part of September ends this week. The eclipses are over now and by Thursday, there’s more relief on the way – Mercury goes direct, ending the three-week retrograde that’s messed with your daily interactions, romantic relationships, and creative projects. Onward and UPWARD! On the very same day, it’s the official first day of fall – the Autumnal Equinox. This is all about finding your inner balance, especially when it comes to work and health. Over the next four weeks, spend time thinking about your daily routine, your workouts, and how much kale you can comfortably consume.


The madness finally ends this week, Gemini! Not only is eclipse season officially over (thank the stars) but Mercury Retrograde also ends on Thursday. Say “boy bye” to the last three weeks of frustrating daily delays, miscommunication with close loved ones, and general mayhem. It’ll take a week to ten days to feel completely back to normal, so be patient. There’s still more exciting news on tap for this week. The Autumnal Equinox is also on Thursday (what a day). This ushers in an incredibly romantic four-week phase. Your life is about to take a turn for the mega-creative.


Call this the week of relief, Cancer. September has been pretty rough thus far, but it’s all starting to calm down and come together. The final eclipse of the season took place late last week, and you’re shaking off the remnants now. By the time Mercury goes direct on Thursday, life will begin to take on the sheen you’ve been waiting for. After three weeks of frustrating debacles and communication breakdowns, your mind and your gadgets are finally moving in the right direction. On the same day, there’s yet more exciting news: the fall officially begins with the Autumnal Equinox. This signals a month of cozy contentment at home, with your family, or in terms of real estate matters. It’s a great month to move – or move in with your bae.


It’s a fantastic week in your stars, and it’s even more spectacular if you use the last few weeks as a barometer of benefits. Two really challenging and crucial bits of astrology are on their way out now – eclipse season is over, and Mercury Retrograde ends on Thursday. Together, these astro-events have been sent your life into quite a chaotic tailspin since late August. Now you get to celebrate, because with the communication planet in direct motion, your financial life will greatly improve. Also on Thursday, the stars deliver the Autumnal Equinox, signaling four weeks of socializing, connecting, talking and texting.


You’ve had one of the craziest birthday months of all time, Virgo, but it’s time to exhale – the chaos is ending this week. Since late August you’ve been dealing not only with the reversal of Mercury, your ruling planet, but also with an eclipse season in which your sign was the central figure. BOTH of those astro-events are officially caput, as of this Thursday. That’s when Mercury finally goes direct, releasing you from its frustrating grips. And on a still lovelier note, the Autumnal Equinox arrives that same day, bringing balance and ease to your life – and to your bank account.


Life is lovely when you’re a Libra, and that goes quadruple this week. You’ve suffered through a challenging September so far, with Mercury Retrograde and a series of world-rocking eclipses. This week, that’s all over, as of Thursday. And if you really want to some major inspo, the stars deliver it on the same day, when the Autumnal Equinox delivers your birthday month. Now you have a smattering of awesome planets in your sign, and you’ve got four weeks to celebrate with all you’ve got. You’re the star of stars between now and late October, so relish the spotlight.


The stars have not felt like your friends for the last few weeks, Scorpio. Notably, they haven’t felt like ANYONE’S friends, so you’re not alone. But there’s good news on the near horizon – to be exact, this Thursday. Mercury Retrograde has rocked your world, in coordination with eclipse season, but it’s about to end. The final eclipse was last week, and the communication planet is about to go direct. Release the built up tension and focus on self-care for the next four weeks. With the Autumnal Equinox bringing major balance to your mind and soul from Thursday, it’s time to focus on your yoga and meditation practice.


You’re about to sigh some serious relief, Sadge. You’ve been dealing with a gnarly eclipse season combined with the usual frustrations of Mercury Retrograde, and it’s been going on since the very start of September. Now all the hardships and turmoil fade into the annals of history, as the stars turn a new and better page. The final eclipse took place late last week, and Mercury goes direct on Thursday. That all equals a massive PHEW – go ahead, let it out. Life is about to be a whole lot less complicated, especially when it comes to career matters. And on a super happy note, when the Autumnal Equinox arrives (also on Thursday) you’re gifted with four weeks of awesomeness on the social front. Friends come out of the woodwork, both on Facebook and IRL.


Chaos and confusion have reigned all September long, but calm is coming soon. In fact, it’s arriving this very week. You’ve been dealing with the unending frustrations of Mercury Retrograde mixed with eclipse season, and this is both rare and mega-annoying, especially for your travel schedule. But this Thursday it all fades away, and pretty fast. That’s because Mercury will be going direct on the exact same day that the fall begins. The Autumnal Equinox spells balance and beauty for you, and even more thrilling, some amazing career progress. You’re a professional Super Hero for the next four weeks, Cap.


Mercury Retrograde has mixed with eclipse season this month, and it’s made September one of the most challenging “back-to-school” months ever. Well, here’s some news you can use, Aquarius – both are ending this week. The final eclipse happened late last week, so the energy is still swirling on Sunday and Monday of this week, but fades out fast. Then, by Thursday, Mercury goes direct, allowing communication to move forward again. Things that haven’t made sense finally will. Wait – there’s more. The Autumnal Equinox also arrives on Thursday, awakening your wanderlust, or at least your lust for gorgeous Insta travel pics.


Wow, Pisces, saying it’s been a hard month could be something of an understatement. Between Mercury Retrograde in your opposite sign, and an eclipse season in which you were a very reluctant featured player, you just want to crawl into bed for a very long nap. Guess what? The stars are shifting in a major way this week, for the better. Eclipse season is over for another six months and Mercury Retrograde ends on Thursday. Your relationships are about to make a lot more sense! Plus, on the same day, the Autumnal Equinox drops. This signals four weeks of deepened intimacy with your partner, or maybe just the benefits of swiping right on the perfect match.

Sherene Vismaya Schostak

Sherene Schostak, M.A. is a Jungian analyst, author and metaphysician who specializes in helping creative artists transform their addictions and creative blocks. She is a professional astrologer in private practice in San Francisco and New York City for the past eighteen years. http://sherenevismaya.com/.