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New Moon Horoscopes by Sign – The Saturn Sisters New Moon Horoscopes by Sign – The Saturn Sisters


December 7-13th


This week brings a dose of reality but not so much that it’ll stop you from having loads of holiday fun. When Mercury, the planet of communication, moves into your career zone on Wednesday, you start to think a lot more seriously about how you’ll launch your career in 2016. By Friday’s New Moon in your long-distance travel zone, you’re all about planning your next six months of wild adventures. Book those trips soon, Aries, because you are totally going places between now and next spring. It’s time to get mad stamps on your passport and fill up your Instagram with awesomeness.


This week brings all kinds of wakeup calls, Taurus – some may be shocking and others totally welcome. Mercury moves into you an earth sign like yours on Wednesday, easing your mind in some ways. Thursday is a tangle of roadblocks and bumps, so proceed slowly and with caution. The real story of the week arrives on Friday with the New Moon in Sagittarius, blasting open the doors to your house of intimacy. If you haven’t felt ready to let someone into your life at the deepest and most profound level, this lunation will help you get there.


You’re opening a brand new chapter this week, Gemini. Be ready to relate to the world around you in an entirely different way – it’s time to be bold. Your ruling planet moves into Capricorn on Wednesday, deepening your thinking in profound ways. But it’s Friday’s New Moon in your relationship zone that provides the best opportunity for you to change your life at the cellular level. If you’ve been grappling with partnership issues, feeling lonely, or feeling frustrated with your significant other, this lunation can help you hone in on the problem and take stock. You’ll know the answers within six months or less.


As the holidays approach it’s easy to let angst take over, but you needn’t go there, Cancer. This week will show you your many strengths, starting on Wednesday when Mercury moves into your house of relationships. This brings absolutely clarity on partnership issues. Friday’s New Moon hits your house of work, bringing your productivity into crystal clear focus. Do you like the work you’re currently doing? Do you need to find more sources of income? And most important – are you balancing your stress levels with your to-do list? It’s healthy to reset and focus on health now – don’t let your responsibilities overwhelm you.


Ready for some radical romance? The stars will bring major love this week. But before you get to the magic of the weekend, Mercury will move into your house of work and health. For the next few months you should pour focus into aligning your goals with your everyday rituals. You can find the balance you seek, Leo. Friday is when the fun begins. The New Moon lands in your house of pleasure and creativity, setting you up for six months of bliss. If you haven’t had enough joy in your life, reflect on what you want desire, and then go after it.


You’re always working on something, Virgo, but this week the stars ask you to reflect on why you rarely give yourself a break. With your ruling planet Mercury moving into your house of fun, pleasure and romance, the next few weeks should be full of bliss – if you allow yourself to partake. Friday brings a powerful New Moon to your house of home and family, bringing up loads of nostalgia for your past and early childhood. Old wounds can heal as you look forward to the first half of 2016. Any relationships in need of repair should be in great shape by spring.


There’s a lot of movement in the stars this week, Libra – and you certainly won’t be able to stay still. Communication planet Mercury moves into your house of home and family on Wednesday, just in time to insure that your holidays are ultra-cozy. Thursday could bring a big surprise for one of your important relationships, thanks to the opposition of Mars and Uranus. Don’t react too quickly. Friday’s New Moon lands in your house of talking and thinking, helping you to set goals for the next six months. Publicity and social media success are favored between now and next spring: LAUNCH.


There’s a lot of subtle interplay between the different areas of your life this week –find connections between it all. Mercury heads into your communication zone on Wednesday, upping your text/email and phone conversations for the next few weeks. Stay calm during a fierce and testy opposition between your ruler Mars and Uranus on Thursday – do not erupt. Friday brings a super lucrative New Moon to your house of income – it’s time to plan your next six months of moneymaking, Scorpio. If your bank account’s been lean lately, this is your opportunity to turn it around. Be the mogul you were born to be.


Watch out week, here comes Ms. Sagittarius! In other words, you rule the next seven days. There will definitely be much going on underneath the surface, especially on Thursday when Mars and Uranus face off. But Friday’s powerful, life-changing New Moon in your own sign is what matters most for your stars. You only get a personal lunation like this once a year, so use it well. Make a list of all your want to accomplish during the next six months, both personally and professionally. Check it each month between now and May, and don’t be surprised if you cross off every single goal.


You are totally winning at life this week, Capricorn, so banish any negative thoughts. Mercury will move into your own sign on Wednesday, making plenty of space in your mind for positivity. Thursday could be so competitive that you’re hardly able to catch your breath – try to stay out of the fray. Friday is the best day of the week, bringing a spectacularly intense New Moon to your house of dreams. Take a few days to meditate on what you need to feel calm, peaceful, and grounded. No coffee after noon, because you might have a bit of insomnia for a few days.

There’s a fine line between solitude and sociability this week, Aquarius. After Mercury moves into your house of subconscious thoughts on Wednesday, you’ll start to crave more solo time, and this effect will last for a few weeks. You might want to steer clear of most other humans on Thursday, because everyone is likely to agitate you thanks to the opposition between Mars and your ruler Uranus. But Friday is when your friends really count, thanks to a New Moon in your house of networking and groups. This is the moment to plan for your next six months of connection and collaboration.


The stars will keep you quite busy this week, starting on Wednesday, when Mercury moves into your networking zone. The next few months will be filled with collaboration and friendship. Uranus and Mars get into a big fight on Thursday, and it can cause conflict all around you – step away from the fracas if you can. Friday brings a powerful New Moon to your house of career. This is the best moment of the year to seize on professional prospects, Pisces. You’ve got two full weeks to launch your plans, but the good news is that they have a six-month window of success.

Sherene Vismaya Schostak

Sherene Schostak, M.A. is a Jungian analyst, author and metaphysician who specializes in helping creative artists transform their addictions and creative blocks. She is a professional astrologer in private practice in San Francisco and New York City for the past eighteen years. http://sherenevismaya.com/.