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New Moon-Mercury Retrograde in Capricorn Horoscopes – The Saturn Sisters New Moon-Mercury Retrograde in Capricorn Horoscopes – The Saturn Sisters


Weekly 4 – 10 January 2016

The first big event of 2016 is one of the most annoying – Mercury goes retrograde on Tuesday. This first backwards phase of the year takes the communication planet on a trip down (recent) Memory Lane – through your house of friends. Old contacts could pop out of the woodwork before the weekend. On the 9th there is a powerful, if confusing New Moon in your career zone – where Mercury is heading to next. You can do lots of brainstorming and make lots of professional wish lists now, but wait until after the retrograde ends to launch (after the 25th).


Slow down, Taurus, because Mercury goes retrograde on Tuesday. First you’ll experience an important professional review period, but by the weekend it’s all about long-distance travel – for better or worse. The communication planet will spend the rest of the retrograde moving backwards though your house of adventure, but this is also where the New Moon lands on Saturday. Expect some significant push/pull energy in this part of your life – you want to get on a plane, but you might be delayed for now. At least until Mercury goes direct again on the 25th. In the mean time, a Bull can dream…


Oh sweet Gemini, don’t hate 2016 just because it’s starting out this way. The first Mercury Retrograde of the year begins on Tuesday and you’re just not a happy camper, but try to look on the upside. As your ruler goes backwards through your long-distance travel zone (until the weekend) and then through your house of sex, you just might run into some ex-lovers while on the road. That said, do all the usual stuff to protect yourself – back up your data, don’t forget your charger, and when it doubt – call, don’t text. The New Moon brings much-needed pleasure to your intimacy zone on Saturday.


Mercury Retrograde is the first big news of the year, but you’ve felt it for weeks. Before the weekend you’ll feel the chaos most in your sexuality zone, and then it will remain in your house of relationships until the 25th. Suffice it to say that intimacy could be confusing for much of the rest of January, Cancer. The New Moon also comes to your relationship zone on Saturday, allowing you to at least set some healthy goals and review your past mistakes in the partnership department. Focus on changing this part of your life, and aim to do it within the next six months.


January is turning out to be a bit of a chaos storm, Leo – mostly thanks to Mercury Retrograde, starting out in your relationship zone on Tuesday. If everything is a bit weird communication-wise with your significant other, now you know why. By the weekend Mercury will backtrack into your house of work, bringing a taste of confusion to your office and daily schedule. The good news is that the New Moon will also land in this part of your chart on Saturday, allowing you to make some healthy long-term goals for both work and wellness. Definitely say “OM” this weekend.


January isn’t turning out to be your favorite month of 2016, Virgo – but you’ve got eleven more to go! This is mainly because your ruling planet is going retrograde on Tuesday, but your sensitive soul has felt it since the moment the clock struck midnight on New Year’s Eve (probably even before). The retrograde moves through your work zone first, bringing some confusion to your office and communication with colleagues. Check everything at least 2 or 3 times, even if it seems perfect. The New Moon syncs up with Mercury over the weekend, as they land in your romance/creativity zone. Old ideas are new again…

The first month of 2016 is proving to be a bit of a frustrating one. Mercury’s first retrograde of the year begins on Tuesday, and it’s starting off in your house of romance. Don’t be surprised if you hear from old crushes or actual boyfriends before the weekend. By Saturday the New Moon lands in your home zone just as Mercury retreats into the same part of your chart. It’s a double-whammy of domestic energy, for better and worse. It’s time to review the old, especially in terms of family and real estate matters, to make room for the new – plan for your next six-months now.


With the first full week of January in gear, you’d think it would be time to get started making 2016 happen. Not so fast, Scorpio — you’ve got Mercury Retrograde to contend with. The communication planet will go out of phase in your house of home and family on Tuesday. If things get weird with your closest loved ones, now you know why. By the weekend Mercury moves back into your communication zone, where it will cause the most traditional of retrograde problems — those of technology, via text, email, Skype and phone. It’s best to have it out in person if at all possible.


2016 is here, but it’s not exactly in full sway. That’s because on Tuesday, Mercury begins its first retrograde of the year in your communication zone. It will remain here through the weekend, causing conversation breakdowns of all sorts — unless you’re super careful. On Saturday there are two major events — a New Moon in your money zone, and Mercury’s return to that part of your chart. For the next few weeks, for better or worse, there is a major emphasis on finances. Get yours in order now, Sadge — so you can make loads of cash in February.


2016 opens with a major event — Mercury goes retrograde on Tuesday. It begins in your house of money, but by the weekend the communication planet will be back in your own sign, and causing all kinds of havoc — but you can use caution and prevent the most serious breaches. The beautiful news is that there is also a New Moon in your sign on Saturday, enabling you to make plans for the next six months of your life — for both personal and professional ventures. But do wait to launch anything until Mercury goes direct on the 25th.


Mercury begins its first retrograde of the year in your own sign on Tuesday, Aquarius. This is not necessarily fun for you, but it will make you slow down and reflect on the direction of your life in serious way. By the weekend the communication planet will return to the previous sign, spending the next few weeks in your house of subconscious thought and dreams. Don’t be surprised if old desires pop up in your mind. There is a New Moon in this part of your chart on Saturday, helping to steady you and set the agenda for your next six months of psychological wellness.


The stars deliver interesting news this week, in the form of 2016’s first Mercury Retrograde, arriving on Tuesday. The communication planet will move backward through your house of dreams, but by the weekend it will return to your networking zone, where it will remain through the 25th. Old friends could return to your life, as well as business contacts. Stay on top of your Facebook messages because something really interesting and potentially lucrative could come through. There’s a New Moon in this part of your chart on Saturday, so think forward to the next six-months of your life, but wait to launch joint ventures until February.

Sherene Vismaya Schostak

Sherene Schostak, M.A. is a Jungian analyst, author and metaphysician who specializes in helping creative artists transform their addictions and creative blocks. She is a professional astrologer in private practice in San Francisco and New York City for the past eighteen years. http://sherenevismaya.com/.