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Saturn Goes Direct Horoscopes – The Saturn Sisters Saturn Goes Direct Horoscopes – The Saturn Sisters


August  8 – 14 2016


So much is changing and shifting this week, Aries – you’ll finally be able to move forward. But before you even get to that transformation, there’s some intense energy to navigate. The theme is intimacy and expansion – first pulling within to examine your feelings, and then letting them out. Inhale, exhale and repeat. Jupiter and Chiron oppose each other on Friday, bringing old wounds into view, but healing them just as fast. Saturday brings Saturn back into direct motion after a long and exhausting retrograde. Your faith may have been tested, but your entire belief system is about to be validated in a big way.


This week starts off rather intense, with the Moon in your opposite sign. You’re more likely to project your feelings onto partners and other people that you’re close to, especially on Tuesday and Wednesday. When Jupiter and Chiron oppose each other on Friday, you might feel extreme hope and optimism mixed with some melancholy, but you’ll find your way through it. Saturday is the most important day of the week, because Saturn is finally going to direct, opening doors to intimacy and connection. If your closest relationships have been blocked since last spring, expect any coldness and disconnection to melt away now.


Intensity rules the week, at least at the start, Gemini. By midweek you’re more relationship-focused, and that theme lasts through the weekend. Try to take a more practical approach to dating, mating and relating if at all possible. A bit of forethought now can bring the magical romance you crave later. Remaining clearheaded will really matter this weekend, when Saturn finally goes direct in your partnership zone. If you’ve been confused about what steps to take with regard to an important one-to-one relationship, the Cosmic Taskmaster will show you the way. Between now and the end of the year, you won’t regret your (romantic) decisions.


Romance and creativity rule as the week begins, but your mind quickly turns to work, work and more work by Thursday, when the Moon moves into your productivity zone. You can get way ahead on projects during the last few days of the workweek, and then when Saturn goes direct on Saturday, it’s no-holds-barred. Something that’s been paused since last spring can finally move forward. You can get completely organized now, Cancer – so you’re way ahead of the coming season. Even better – the Cosmic Taskmaster will help you get serious about health and wellness too. Time to get back to yoga and juicing, stat.


If there’s any chance you can take a few days off or work from home this week, do it, Leo. You’re all about chilling in your private sanctuary. After Thursday all you want to do is make art – or make love. With a powerful emphasis on your romance and creativity zone through the weekend, put your energy into heart-centered activities as much as you can. When Saturn goes direct in your house of pleasure on Saturday, this theme grows even more insistent. Something you’ve held back on – perhaps an affair or a creative project – is likely to come back up in the fiercest way possible.


Life is starting to look just the way you like it this week, Virgo – thanks to the recent entry of Venus into your own sign. Use that to buoy you through any challenging moments. You communicate with directness and flair until Thursday, so make sure to get ahead of your correspondence and take the lead in meetings and phone conversations. Right before the weekend your tone changes, and you suddenly want to connect with your loved ones even more than you want to work. Take Saturn’s cue on Saturday – when the Cosmic Taskmaster goes direct, your past catches up with your future.


Welcome to a new week and a totally new you, Libra. There are only a few weeks left of summer and you’re starting to feel it slip away. But there’s good news – you can be super productive this week while simultaneously drinking up the lovely summer vibe. You’re all about making loads of cash with the Moon in your financial zone on Monday and Tuesday. Communication is a major theme starting at midweek, and when Saturn goes direct on Saturday, you can expect major clarification on something you’ve been wondering about since last spring. Once you know the truth, take it to the next level.


This week has your name written all over it in bold, beautiful letters, Scorpio. That’s because the Moon will remain in your own constellation through early Thursday morning, giving you plenty of opportunities to rule the world – or at least your personal and professional life. After that the focus moves to your finances, and that theme will be in force through the weekend. On Saturday Saturn goes direct in your money zone, freeing you up to pursue a source of income that’s been on hold since last spring. You can finally reach for exactly the kind of compensation you need.


This is your week in so many ways, Sadge. Focus on self-care and gets lots of sleep on Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday. After this quiet, nurturing phase during the workweek, life blasts off on Thursday, when the Moon goes into your own sign. It’s as if the stars are lighting you up from within – and you’re simply glowing on Thursday and Friday. But Saturday is the really key moment – because that’s when Saturn, the Cosmic Taskmaster, goes direct. An important part of your drive has been muted since last spring, but the volume is about to go WAY up.


There’s a lot going on inside your head this week, Capricorn, so try to find outlets to decompress – especially during the second half of the workweek. On Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday you can connect to amazing new opportunities through your social network, so make those contacts and then set them aside until next week, when you’ll be ready to act on them. After Thursday you start to feel a bit more meditative and dreamy, so heed the call to focus on your inner self. Your ruler Saturn goes direct on Saturday, clearing up an important issue that’s been on your mind since last spring.


Love has been in the air all month long, and this week you can add some hot sex to the mix. Venus moved into your house of intimacy last weekend and you’re just starting to get a sense of how good it feels. The workweek also brings around your friends, in a major way, starting on Thursday. The Moon will be in your networking zone through the early part of the weekend. But the biggest news comes on Saturday, when Saturn goes direct in this part of your chart. This will likely bring resolution for an issue you’ve dealt with since last spring.


It’s the middle of August and a big shift is on the way later this week. In the meantime, you’ll love the watery vibe, courtesy of the Moon in Scorpio until early Thursday morning. You can go quite deep and expand at the same time, Pisces. The Moon shifts into Sagittarius after that, bringing major career mojo for a few days. By Saturday the story shifts once again, as Saturn, the Cosmic Taskmaster, goes direct for the first time since last spring. A professional issue that’s held you back is likely to resolve now. Your ambitions are in charge between now and the end of 2016.

Sherene Vismaya Schostak

Sherene Schostak, M.A. is a Jungian analyst, author and metaphysician who specializes in helping creative artists transform their addictions and creative blocks. She is a professional astrologer in private practice in San Francisco and New York City for the past eighteen years. http://sherenevismaya.com/.