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Solstice-Full Moon in Cancer Horoscopes by Sign – The Saturn Sisters Solstice-Full Moon in Cancer Horoscopes by Sign – The Saturn Sisters



Weekly 21 – 27 December 2015



The last full week of 2015 is not kidding around, Aries. The intensity begins with the Winter Solstice on Monday – the darkest and shortest day of the year in the Northern Hemisphere. This is your moment to look within to measure the kind of impact you want to have on the world in the coming year. There is a rare Full Moon on Christmas Day, in your home zone, highlighting close emotional relationships and family. Friday is pretty volatile, however, because Uranus will go direct in your own sign on the same day. Stay calm & spread loads of love.


The holidays are officially here and the stars are ratcheting up the intensity in a MAJOR way this week. The Winter Solstice arrives on Monday – this darkest, shortest and most contemplative day of the year has you thinking about where you want to go in 2016. How will you expand your horizons, both geographically and intellectually? A rare Christmas Day lunation lands the Full Moon in your house of communication. Conversations with family members could be quite overwhelming today – tread gently. Uranus goes direct in your house of dreams on the same day, possibly bringing up some anxiety – don’t neglect your self-care routine.


2015 is winding down and it’s not going quietly, Gemini, bringing multiple culminating events on the astro-front. On Monday the Winter Solstice asks you to quietly contemplate the depths of intimacy. The next four weeks are all about deep transformation and new paradigms for your sex life. A rare coincidence between Christmas and the last Full Moon of the year brings some major emotional release. A financial issue that came up about six months ago could come to a close now. Uranus will station direct on the same day, making things feel a bit shaky on the friendship front – but it will pass quickly.


2015 is nearing its end, but not before it delivers a powerful punch. On Monday, the Winter Solstice brings shortest and darkest day of the year in the Northern Hemisphere, and also the best possible moment for you to contemplate your relationships. What do you want to get out of your long-term partnerships during the next four weeks, Cancer? A rare Full Moon arrives on Christmas Day – and it’s in your very own sign. This makes it one of the most intense and emotional holidays you’ve had in a long time. Something major is coming to fruition now – be ready and open.


The year is almost over and done with, Leo – but there’s much to experience before 2015 says its final goodbye. This week begins with the Winter Solstice on Monday. It’s an evocative and penetrating moment that’s ideal for contemplating your work situation. Are you truly happy with your daily rituals? During the next four weeks you’ll get closer to figuring that out. Christmas arrives in concert with a Full Moon on Friday, and this rare event is mega-intense for you, because it awakens your house of dreams. With Uranus going direct that day, don’t be surprised if you feel a bit agitated.


2015 is not quite done, but this week brings quite the cosmic crescendo. The Winter Solstice arrives on Monday, bringing the Sun to your house of creativity and pleasure for the next four weeks: this is a moment to meditate on what love means for you. Friday brings a far from average Christmas Day: it’s also a Full Moon in your friendship zone: something is coming to culmination now. Uranus goes direct in your house of transformation and intimacy the very same day. You might feel quite vulnerable in your relationships, but allow yourself to go there – it will be deeply healing.


There’s so much activity in the stars this week that it’s hard to believe that 2015 is ending. The intense Winter Solstice arrives Monday, triggering your feelings about home, family, and your early childhood. By the time Christmas Day arrives in concert with a powerful Full Moon, you might be a bit emotionally exhausted, Libra – be good to yourself. This lunation ignites your career zone, so even if you’re chilling with the family, you’ll be thinking about your professional progress. Uranus goes direct in your relationship zone on the same day, so make sure not to snap at our partner for no reason.


The year is almost over, but before it ends, it wants to remind you of its potent power. 2015 will NOT go down quietly, that’s for sure. The Winter Solstice opens the week on a deeply contemplative note on Monday, asking you to think about the way you express yourself. Christmas Day arrives on Friday; it’s no ordinary holiday. The Full Moon alights on the very same day, in a water sign like your own – bringing emotions directly to the surface. With Uranus going direct on the same day, there’s simply no holding back what you feel – just try to do it carefully.


This week is super intense! Your birthday season ends Monday, at the dawning of the Winter Solstice. (Don’t worry, Sadge – you’ve still got Venus.) After the Sun moves into your money zone, the next four weeks are ideal for contemplating your next financial plan of attack. Friday brings more than your average Christmas Day – there is also a deeply emotional Full Moon in Cancer. Think of this as the Purging Moon, because it’s all about releasing your feelings. Love, intimacy and sexuality are all on the table. With Uranus going direct in your romance zone on the same day, expect the unexpected.


The year is almost over, and even though everyone around you is a bit of a mess, the best part of 2015 starts now and continues long past New Year’s Eve. The Winter Solstice arrives on Monday, signaling the start of your birthday month. Even if you’re a January Cap, the celebration can commence right now. Friday brings the first Full Moon on Christmas in the last 38 years –- a rare and intense alignment of astrology and the holiday calendar. With this lunation alighting in your relationship zone, you’ll feel it in every cell of your body, so give yourself extra TLC.


The holidays are overwhelmingly intense, Aquarius, so even you, the Queen of Detachment, will not be able to stay completely out of the fray. The Winter Solstice arrives on Monday, delivering the Sun to your house of dreams. The next four weeks are meant for deep contemplation. Christmas Day is exceptionally powerful this year, thanks to the Full Moon that occurs simultaneously with the holiday. This lunation hits your house of work, so you might feel stressed out about work issues. Your ruler Uranus goes direct on the same day, so don’t be surprised if you feel a few bolts of electricity.


2015 will soon be just a memory (and not always a good one). But before the year says ciao, it has a few important points to make, starting with the Winter Solstice on Monday. This is a powerful yet contemplative day for you to weigh your closest friendships and your goals. Are they aligned, Pisces? The most intense day of the week is surely Friday, a moment when Christmas coincides with the Full Moon in Cancer – a water sign like your own. This is overwhelmingly emotional, and it can feel like a bit of a flood for your romantic or creative life.

Sherene Vismaya Schostak

Sherene Schostak, M.A. is a Jungian analyst, author and metaphysician who specializes in helping creative artists transform their addictions and creative blocks. She is a professional astrologer in private practice in San Francisco and New York City for the past eighteen years. http://sherenevismaya.com/.