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Weekly Horoscopes for August 24th-31st – The Saturn Sisters Weekly Horoscopes for August 24th-31st – The Saturn Sisters

love and orchids

Weekly 24-31 August 2015


Prepare for a rather dreamy summer finale, Aries. There’s a Full Moon brewing in your house of dreams, imagination and escapism. You’ll be so desperate for time near the water to just do a whole lot of nothing this week. Your dreams will be off the hook both literally and figuratively. Pay attention to the messages you get both while sleeping and in waking life during this time. The communication planet, Mercury will be moving into your opposite sign on Thursday and inviting you to work on your diplomatic skills with your significant others over the next several weeks. This is the first preview into next month’s Mercury Retrograde extravaganza.


There is a lot of glamorous energy building up around your social world at the moment, Taurus. Tune into your long-term goals, wishes and the sheer fabulousness of your social network. Your friendships are highlighted and perhaps extremely emotional under this week’s waxing lunar influence. The Full Moon on Saturday helps bring your deepest dreams to the surface. Deciphering fantasy from reality is neither easy nor necessary now. The communication planet changes signs on Thursday and highlights your day-to-day mercurial brilliance. You’ll have your mind steeped in how to bring more beauty and balance to your daily schedule.


There’s a romantic shift taking place this week, Gemini. Your ruling planet, Mercury is moving into your house of love starting on Thursday. This is especially important because it’s going to go retrograde next month and thus extend the influence around processing your romantic life and reworking issues around creativity and love all the way through October. On a totally different but equally exciting note, your career zone is dreamy and glamorous as can be compliments of the Full Moon lighting up the top of your chart on Saturday. All of your hard work over the past six months is totally giving back to you now.


You’ll be ready for a serious mind break starting this Thursday when Mercury finally gets out of your communication zone. You’re about to embark on a rather lengthy period of profound introspection and reflection around your past and relationships in general over the next few months, Cancer. You’re prepping for a Mercury Retrograde going through the home zone of your horoscope. On a more mystical note, there’s a very inspiring Full Moon taking place this Saturday in your house of higher consciousness and long-distance travel Get ready to free your mind and tap into your deeper feelings and intuition now.


There is a lot to be said for the delicate art of diplomatic communication. Few understand or wield that skill better than you do, Leo. You’re about to go even further with this gift as Mercury, the messenger god, prepares to take up an extended stay in your talk zone for the next few months. Mastering the art of relationship dialogues is where it’s at for you moving forward. Saturday’s Full Moon brings a dramatic tsunami of change. You can wash away all that is standing between you and your true desires now. Don’t be afraid to fully surrender into the now.


Relationship themes are on the rise this week, Virgo. As much as you love to retreat into your own little world of list-making and the perfect daily routines and rituals, along comes the pesky world of desire to pull you out of your flow. Like it or not, the more irrational, hopelessly romantic side of your nature prevails as you get closer to Saturday’s Full Moon in your opposite constellation, Pisces. You can’t help but feel like you’re drowning in dreams and longings. Your ruling planet will be coming to your rescue as of Thursday to help you ground and regain balance.


There is a rather monumental mind shift taking place this week, Libra. The communication planet, Mercury is moving into your sweet and diplomatic stars this Thursday. The need to play fair in conversations and text messaging is the new rule. You’ll be challenged to perfect the art of your diplomatic style between now and late October. On another note, there is a rather emotional and messy Full Moon building up in your house of work and health. When it culminates this weekend, you could feel all chaos breaking loose but trust in the creative jewels just on the other side.


The need for a serious retreat has come and can be ignored no longer, Scorpio. You have been working yourself to the bone and beyond for the past month and summer is nearly a distant memory. Take advantage of this time to put your hectic life on pause and get thee to a large body of water as soon as possible. Mercury, the messenger planet is moving into your house of dreams and retreat on Thursday for an extended stay. Plus, there is a super sensitive and ridiculously romantic Full Moon taking place in your love zone this weekend, darling.


You’re so torn between wanting to hide out and retreat to the nearest beach and an overwhelming social calendar that won’t seem to let you escape. This Thursday, Mercury, the messenger planet will take up residence in your house of friends, social networking and long-range plans. This is sure to keep you radically busy and constantly creating and collaborating until late October. On the other hand, this weekend’s Full Moon lands in your home zone and is creating a desperate and soulful longing to reconnect with your roots by spending more time at home and/or by the sea. You need time to drift and dream now.


Communication is the major theme this week Capricorn. The irony is that you’ll actually want very little to do with superficial emailing, chatting, texting and the like. You’re craving a deep meeting of the minds that borders more on the poetic side of transmission. If telepathy is an option, or song lyrics, even better. Mercury, the messenger planet changes signs on Thursday and decides to camp out at the base of your horoscope until October. You’ll be going through a profound Mercury Retrograde next month with major family and domestic themes up for review. Saturday brings a Full Moon to light up your mind and imagination.


Money is the major theme this week, Aquarius. You’ll be feeling a rather intense immersion in the world of financial matters culminating on Saturday with the Full Moon. This could involve both new sources of income and extreme expenditures. There is something glamorous and chaotic to the money mix now. If you’ve been entirely unrealistic about money, expect to pay the price or at least have your eyes open going forward. Mercury, the communication planet, will be changing signs on Thursday and inviting you to have a good think (and next month re-think) about your beliefs, relationships and higher vision.


There is a sensational week in store for you, Pisces. There is a magical and mushy Full Moon stirring up your stars this weekend. No wonder you feel so emotional and inspired at the same time. If life feels more like a dream than a reality, you’re playing it right. The communication planet is moving out of your relationship zone this Thursday but will now be bringing you opportunities for major change and transformation between now and late October. Prepare to dig deep into your own fears and potential during the new fall season ahead. You have only begun to tap into your true potential.

Sherene Vismaya Schostak

Sherene Schostak, M.A. is a Jungian analyst, author and metaphysician who specializes in helping creative artists transform their addictions and creative blocks. She is a professional astrologer in private practice in San Francisco and New York City for the past eighteen years. http://sherenevismaya.com/.