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Weekly Horoscopes for the New Moon in Scorpio – The Saturn Sisters Weekly Horoscopes for the New Moon in Scorpio – The Saturn Sisters


Weekly 9 – 15 November 2015


This is the week that everything changes for you, Aries — especially for your relationships. Venus moved into your partnership zone at the end of last week, and soon she’ll be joined by your ruling planet Mars (on Thursday, to be exact). This dynamic duo will light up your house of other people, making you feel nearly obsessed with love for the next few weeks. And don’t forget about the sex bit, because Wednesday’s New Moon in Scorpio lands in your house of all things carnal. Lust rules now, and it’s it’s definitely time to set some goals for your most intimate encounters.


There are two reigning themes this week: that of relationships and that of work. With your ruler Venus just having moved into your house of daily projects late last weekend, there’s a renewed emphasis on keeping a healthy and productive schedule. This will intensify when Mars joins Venus on Thursday. But the day before there’s an even more significant development — a gorgeously intense New Moon in your house of partnerships. This is your annual opportunity to set goals for love and connection with all the “others” in your life. If you’re single, it’s particularly potent because you can aim your sights and manifest someone perfect.


There’s much shifting in the stars this week, Gemini. First a New Moon comes to your house of work, health and daily projects on Wednesday. The day before and after this lunation are ideal for setting goals for physical and mental health, and anything related to your job — or the job you’d love to have. Set goals with a six-month window for best results. The other big cosmic news involves your dating life, Gemini — Mars moves into your house of romance, pleasure, creativity on Thursday. He’s joining forces with his consort Venus, insuring that your next few weeks are ridiculously fun.


The stars are asking you to focus on two different parts of your life this week, Cancer. Your family is a vital component, but so is romance — you’ll need to make time for date night. First the New Moon lands in your house of pleasure and creativity, allowing you to set goals for fun. It might seem weird to put something like that on your schedule, but trust us, it works! This is a mega-romantic lunation with a six-month window, so aim to bring in as much pleasure as you can. Mars moves into your home zone on Thursday — time to get domestic.


This week you’ll have to find the balance between communicating your needs and serving the needs of others — especially your loved ones. The New Moon arrives in your house of domestic affairs and early childhood memories on Wednesday, but it’s time to look forward, not back. Set a six-month goal to break old and unhealthy familial patterns, Leo. The very next day Mars joins his girlfriend Venus, who is already in your house of talking, thinking and writing. For the next six weeks ago you’ll be a major word maven, able to express yourself with power, beauty, and clarity.


This week brings a major New Moon to your communication zone. The lunation is exact on Wednesday, but you might be able to feel the energy building as early as Monday or Tuesday. This is the best time of the season to make plans for any writing projects, public relation’s campaigns, or social media launches. Within six months you’ll surely have met some of your goals. On Thursday Mars moves into your money zone where he’ll fire up your financial prowess for the next six weeks. Venus, the planet of cash and attraction is already here — so you’re about to make some serious bank, Virgo.


This is quite a sweet week in your stars, Libra – for a multitude of reasons. Let’s begin with the New Moon, exact on Wednesday in your house of financial affairs. This is like a big cosmic bonus — set goals to increase your income within six months, and begin following up on those plans within two weeks. The planets are totally supporting your bottom line now — don’t be lazy! The other development concerns Mars, planet of passion, moving into your own sign on Thursday. He’s joining his lover Venus, your ruling planet — already bringing beauty and love to your world.


It’s a great month to be a Scorpio, but it’s an even better week to be one! The New Moon comes to your very own sign on Wednesday, making you the absolute star of the cosmic show, no matter when your actual birthday falls. This is like New Year’s Eve meets your own debutante ball — it’s your day to ask for it all, and write down exactly what you want. All you have to do is show up and manifest. The very next day your ruling planet Mars follows Venus into your house of dreams, making you a bit more likely to focus within.


This week’s intense and provocative New Moon arrives in your house of dreams on Wednesday. This lunation might bring up some feelings you didn’t even know you had, Sadge, but pay close attention to them, and write anything down that seems important. This is a moment of healing, and quite possibly it’s something you’ll look back to in six-months — chart your progress. The next day Mars, planet of passion and action, moves into your networking zone. Beautiful Venus is already there, bringing loads of sweetness and charm to your social life. The awesome vibe lasts for the next six weeks.


The stars provoke a dual focus this week, Capricorn. You should look toward your friends and colleagues for advice and advantages on Wednesday, when the New Moon lands in your networking zone. Socializing is key, and it can bring you both romance and work — set collaborative goals with a six-month window now, or at least seek out like-minded people that you can work with. Mars, planet of passion and direct action, follows his consort Venus into your house of career on Thursday. Your professional life is about to get very busy for the next six weeks, not to mention totally sweet (and lucrative).


There’s a lot going on in your stars this week, starting with your professional prospects. The New Moon lands in your career zone once a year, and that coveted event is arriving on Wednesday. Don’t let this pass without setting goals, Aquarius — your can see your name in lights if you play your cards right for the next six-months. The other big development of this busy week concerns Mars, the planet of action. He arrives in your house of long-distance travel on Thursday, joining Venus, and creating some lovely energy for getting on the road. Trips you make in the next six-weeks should be fabulous.


The stars are asking you to get on the road this week, or at least to start thinking about it. The New Moon lands in your house of long-distance travel and adventure on Wednesday, making this the ideal moment to set itineraries for the next six-months. If you’re overwhelmed with wanderlust, snatch up some planet tickets and satisfy your longing, Pisces. If that’s not possible immediately, just spend some time with exotic friends in exotic (albeit local) places. Mars moves into your house of sex and intimacy on Thursday, waking up your libido, and keeping it all charged up for the next six weeks.

Sherene Vismaya Schostak

Sherene Schostak, M.A. is a Jungian analyst, author and metaphysician who specializes in helping creative artists transform their addictions and creative blocks. She is a professional astrologer in private practice in San Francisco and New York City for the past eighteen years. http://sherenevismaya.com/.