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Weekly Horoscopes September 7-13th: New Moon Solar Eclipse in Virgo – The Saturn Sisters Weekly Horoscopes September 7-13th: New Moon Solar Eclipse in Virgo – The Saturn Sisters


Weekly 7-13 September 2015


Everything in your daily life is about to change—and rather dramatically. There is a potent New Moon Solar eclipse on Saturday, landing in your house of work, schedule, and health this Saturday. You have been feeling something coming for awhile now, but will have more clarity by the weekend about the new direction you are supposed to take. Pay close attention to any new projects or opportunities that cross your path this week, and take extra good care of your health. Life is incredibly destined. Your creativity is off the charts as eel, Aries. This is a truly momentous time to start brand new things.


Your love life is about to start a brand new chapter, Taurus. You find yourself resisting anything unknown, but trust that this new beginning is about to bring you something sweeter than you’ve had in years. Be open to all new sources of love and creativity under the influence. You can also look forward to more opportunities for love and pleasure in general—all taking place now at the seed level (starting this weekend). The creative fires have been burning brightly for awhile, and now you’ll have plenty of fabulous outlets to truly enjoy this exciting flame. Awesome is on the way!


Are you ready for a total revamping and new start around your home and domestic world in general, Gemini? The new energy is already underway and you will feel the winds of change blowing in this weekend. There is a New Moon Solar Eclipse landing at the base of your horoscope this Saturday and preparing to speed up new energy around your home and interior life. Your hermit energies have been stronger than ever these days. You’re incubating something awesome. Don’t worry—you’ll be back to your social mode soon enough. Enjoy this introspective mode as it breeds amazing inventions and ideas for the future.


There are some pretty colossal changes on the horizon, Cancer! This is especially true in the realms of communication, thinking and all forms of social media. You’ll be ready to put yourself out there in a major way over the next six months—no more hiding in your shell. Plus your learning curve is off the charts. You’re a student of love, life and mastering your craft. It’s all about the details and the fine print now, so pay close attention to everything that comes through your inbox for the next few weeks. Don’t discount something until you give it a serious read-through.


This week is all about monumental changes in your money zone, Leo. There is a New Moon Solar Eclipse taking place in your financial zone that is totally getting ready to ratchet things up in terms of your cash flow (both in and out). This is an excellent time to get clear about what works and what needs some serious detailed analysis in order to take it to the next level. Your creativity is off the charts now. This is the perfect opportunity to turn what you love into something that’s actually lucrative for you. What’s better than that Leo?


Everything in your world is about to change in a rather dramatic fashion, Virgo. No wonder your nerves have been so on edge, both in terms of excitement and the usual worry. This is not a time for holding back or trying to stick to status quo. You are being called for radical alterations on every level over the next six months as the New Moon Solar Eclipse lands in your own constellation this Saturday. You’ll see incremental shifts between now and March in all life arenas. No more procrastinating and no more excuses—it’s time to make that brand new start, darling.


There is so much right on the verge of major change, Libra. You can feel your scales majorly tipping and yet can’t quite get a full picture of what you are about to discover. It could feel like anxiety at first, just because it has that quality of the uknown. You sense that reality as you know it is about to undergo a major transformation, and yet the details are still fuzzy. The New Moon Solar Eclipse arrives this Saturday and is the precursor for the next six months of a dreamy reality that continues to unfold in full color for you, darling.


The New Moon Solar Eclipse is coming this Saturday and stirring up all kinds of action in your house of friends, long-term goals and wishes. Amazing new beginnings are on their way in terms of your social world, which could even include friendships. Pay attention to the next six months of powerful changes with both career and long-term plans, Scorpio. Make your intentions for what you would like to see manifest within your community. You’re a powerful leader and others have their eye on you now. This requires being more public than you may be comfortable with, but the results are totally worth it.


Your career prospects are about to blow up, Sagittarius. There is a life-changing New Moon Solar eclipse taking place in your career zone this Saturday. This is just the beginning of what should prove to be a momentous six months of amazing opportunity and adventure. You have a tendency to bite off more than you can chew with all things, but this particular period of time is requiring you to start getting in the mindset of streamlining and prioritizing. You can’t be all things to all people or the master of all things, unless you learn to duplicate yourself, darling.


This week is all about your travel goals, Capricorn. You’ve got some serious wanderlust on your mind, to the point of making you feel like itineraries must be booked pronto. The New Moon Solar Eclipse this Saturday marks not only a new beginning, but the perfect time for and overall expansion of your consciousness. It’s also perfect for booking your next six months of jet-settign adventures. This is also an important time to be very detail-oriented with the imminence of the upcoming Mercury Retrograde, especially when schedules are involved.


There is a lot at stake this week, Aquarius. You can feel the rumblings of major changes on the way. At first this may seem daunting but trust that all is shifting for the better. It’s really just the factor of the unknown that might be causing some stress. In reality, this weekend’s New Moon Solar eclipse is preparing to deliver the kind of transformation that will totally rock your world for the better, both sexually and creatively. Expect to shed many layers of what no longer serves you. You won’t be missing any of that old baggage anyway, darling.


Everything in your world of relationships is about to change, Pisces. If you’re single, expect some serious dating action. If you’re hitched, get ready for a new chapter or beginning. This Saturday’s New Moon Solar Eclipse falls in your opposite sign of Virgo. This is the perfect time to get to know your shadow half, your other side over the next six months. You’ll be keenly aware of the affect that your relationships have on you, for better or worse. This is also the perfect opportunity to set your intentions for the kind of relationship you wish to have. Watch how magical your love life becomes between now and your birthday.

Sherene Vismaya Schostak

Sherene Schostak, M.A. is a Jungian analyst, author and metaphysician who specializes in helping creative artists transform their addictions and creative blocks. She is a professional astrologer in private practice in San Francisco and New York City for the past eighteen years. http://sherenevismaya.com/.