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Don Imus, Meet the Cosmic Taskmaster – The Saturn Sisters Don Imus, Meet the Cosmic Taskmaster – The Saturn Sisters

After being called out for his racist, misogynistic rant last week, Don Imus was fired from both his daily simulcast on MSNBC and his radio show on CBS. Saturn is currently squaring his natal Saturn. Let’s take it straight from astrology god Robert Hand. This is his description of Don’s current transit:

Most often this influence is experienced as a sort of identity crisis in which you begin to question what you are doing. You may suffer a crisis of confidence at this time, fearing that you have made the wrong moves in life or committed yourself to some course of action that will not be good in the long run. During this period you will think about and question all the long-term trends in your life. You will not be thinking about trivial matters.

Sometimes a particular event triggers off this period of soul-searching. Others may create difficulties for you, especially in your business or professional area. Perhaps they detect the first signs of insecurity that will afflict you during this period. If they are people who naturally compete with you, they may try to take advantage of your apparent weakness. Employers and other superiors may also sense your feelings of insecurity and wonder whether you are the right person for the job you are doing.

One thing for is for sure, Mr. Imus better heed Saturn’s lesson or he’ll never see work again. A lot of commentator’s are suggesting that he wasn’t quite contrite enough, and obviously the cosmos are in complete agreement. Saturn is not one to be trifled with. Let’s hope he goes after Rush Limbaugh, Bill O’Reilly, Glenn Beck, and their ilk next. Fair is fair.

Stefanie Weiss

Stefanie I. Weiss, M.A. is the author of nine books and an astrologer in private practice in New York City. Her latest (non-astrology book) is Eco-Sex: Go Green Between the Sheets and Make Your Love Life Sustainable (Crown Publishing/Ten Speed Press) She's the co-author of Surviving Saturn's Return (Contemporary Books) and Fate of Your Date (Chronicle Books). She is the author of Spirt Animals: Unlocking the Secrets of Your Animal Companions (Chronicle Books, 2009). Her other books have covered yoga, veganism, grief, the beauty myth, and much more. To learn more about Stefanie, visit her websites: http://stefanieirisweiss.com & http://ecosex.net.