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· Weekly Horoscopes April 9-April 15, 2018 ·

April 9, 2018 0 Comments



Dreams, Rituals, and Enchantment in the Crescent City

April 22-26th, 2018

New Orleans, a destination of mystery and intrigue, is prime territory for invoking magic. Sherene Vismaya and Katelan Foisy are excited to offer a retreat that pairs glamour and seduction with tarot and dreamwork in this historic city. REGISTER NOW!



Weekly Horoscopes April 9-April 15, 2018

Chiron will move into Aries next week for the first time since the late 60’s. This current Mercury Rx in Aries is the preview of what we will be learning about over the next seven years. No wonder this has been such an extra intense Mercury Rx journey with the archetype of the Emperor. That archetypal energy is only just beginning. There is so much healing work to do on our own inner masculine, father energies and the primal, instinctual parts of our nature. Can you feel it? You may also sense the energy really slowing way down now with the waning lunar energy in Aquarius heading towards the South Node of the Moon. This means we are in a very deep phase of release. We are letting go of so much. Look to where the Aquarius arena of your chart is to see where you are experiencing much dissolving and disillusionment. The eclipse on February 15th started that process. This week is like the final clearing of whatever that was in your life so you can truly clean the slate for the New Moon on the 15th. Saturn retro will cover ground going back to mid-Feb as well. This is a ridiculously anticipated New Moon in Aries for so many reasons…The NEW.

“Friction is necessary. Ease of life leads to complacency and the atrophy of the human will and spirit. Within our struggles lives our strength, within our trials lives our triumphs. Friction creates a platform for change, generates heat and or fervor and creates a motivational charge that gives us an opportunity to be better. A gem cannot be polished without friction and so neither a person without hardships. Friction within and friction without sharpens our senses and revives our internal resolutions. Friction is uncomfortable, hardships are distressing but both are necessary. We cannot light a match without friction nor can we hone steal. Uncomfortable as it may be, our adversity ultimately lights a fire and sharpens our very will to flourish. Today, let us not be discouraged, let us not be bitter in our suffering rather let us be encouraged as we look to our trials as a medium that will eventually make us better”  -Versey



Career matters come to a sharp conclusion this week, Aries. The Last Quarter Moon lights up the top of your chart and puts the focus on career matters. Structure, discipline and consistency are the key to your success. You have so much happening at once and a bit chaotically due to the ongoing Mercury Retrograde in your stars. You’re also preparing for the fiery New Moon in your stars at the end of the week. It’s all about your friends and your social life during the first part of the week. Use the second half of the week to catch up on your beauty rest and dreams. The Moon enters your fabulous stars just in time for the weekend setting you up perfectly for your brand new Aries chapter.


Pack your bags this week, Taurus. The Last Quarter Moon is lighting up your house of foreign adventures and getaways. You’re so ready to jet. It’s also an excellent time to reconnect with your favorite teachers, mentors, or life coaches. The first part of the week is all about careered professional goals. By Wednesday, you’ll be back to social butterfly mode and ready for all of the glamour. Be sure to plan something fabulous and preferably in nature for the weekend. You’re so ready to relax and rejuvenate as you prep for Sunday’s New Moon in your house of retreat. New beginnings are just around the corner now.


You’re in the midst of a major spring cleanse this week, Gemini. It’s time to relinquish all fears, insecurities and another dross you’ve been dragging around since winter. The true spring awakening is just days away now with the New Moon arriving on Sunday. The prep is all about getting your life into proper working order and alignment on all levels. Do what you have to do make the big goals happen. If this requires cutting down on your social media time, do it. The first half of the week has you researching your summer getaway destinations. The second half of the week is devoted to your career vision. By the weekend, you’re ready for the new in every way.


Relationship themes are up for resolution this week, Cancer. The Last Quarter Moon in your partnership zone sets the tone of the week. Boundaries, endings and final cuts are being made to anything that is no longer in alignment with your value system. Changes are monumental now. Start that spring cleaning you’ve been putting off. You can feel the exciting new beginning just around the bend. The positive energy arrives midweek to inspire you to stretch beyond the comfort zones. It’s also ideal for plotting your summer getaways. When the weekend rolls around it’s all about your career and worldly plans. Sunday’s New Moon is just the beginning.


This is a wrap-up your work kind of week, Leo. The energy of the Last Quarter Moon sets the tone of the week and has you ready to get back into your daily rituals, discipline and self-care routines. You may feel obsessed with getting back on your ideal schedule. Leave some space for adjustment though as Mercury is still retrograde until the 15th. Relationships take priority during the first half of the week as the Moon lights up your partnership zone. The second half of the week is about letting go and making those deeper changes for spring. When Sunday comes, we have the arrival of a New Moon which kicks off a new six month season of travel and adventure.


Love and creativity are the big topics of the week, Virgo. The week begins with a Last Quarter Moon highlighting your romance zone It might be time to resolve an old love chapter or at least define what you want in your love life going forward (which often means declaring first what you do not want). Mercury Retrograde gave you all of the deeper insights that you need going forward. You can assert your own needs and get what you want if you’re willing to stop sacrificing for the other. Use the first half of the week to finish up old projects. Part two of the week is all about relationships. Sunday’s New Moon sets the stage for a sexy new six-month season to come.


Your focus is on family and home this week, Libra. The Last Quarter Moon on Sunday lands at the base of your chart to help you re-work some boundary issues with loved ones and close relatives. Saying no and setting limits is your essential now. You will earn respect and feel less resentful of those you deal with on a daily basis. Your love life is looking up for the first half of the week as the Moon graces your romance sector. The second half of the week is excellent for fishing up work and revamping any wellness goals that have been only half-baked until now.Sunday’s New Moon falls in your relationship zone and will initiate the next six months of how you do relationships.


Go for the deep, no nonsense conversations this week, Scorpio. You can get to the bottom and put the integrity back into your relationships by having the difficult talks. It’s essential to do them with voice or better yet in person as Mercury is still retrograde until the 15th. The Moon will sit in your home zone for the first part of the week, so be the moody homebody you love to be. Part two of the week brings the love and romance. Schedule your sexiest date nights Wednesday or Thursday. Friday through the weekend has you busy with daily tasks and catching up on work as you prep for the New Moon on Sunday.


Money is on your mind at the start of the week, Sagi. The Last Quarter Moon in Capricorn is ideal for taking care of business and getting on point with all financial matters. You’ll be so immersed in your love life next week, that this week might be your last chance to catch up on bills and tax matters. The second half of the week puts you in homebody and dreamer mode. You’ll be craving time to hide out as much as possible. This weekend sets off the love buzz that catches fire next week. Love and pleasure are the themes all week long.


Get ready for a week of major endings (and beginnings), Capricorn. The Last Quarter Moon falls in your very own stars at the start of the week. You are in your element and getting down to serious business. You refuse to waste time or squander any of your resources for that matter. The first part of the week is excellent for getting your taxes and any other lingering financial records in tip-top shape. The second half of the week is ideal for communication and correspondence. Even though Mercury Retrograde isn’t quite finished, you can enjoy catching up with those who speak your language or better yet, those who can read your mind. Sunday’s New Moon initiates a six-month cycle around new beginnings with home and family.


The stars are demanding you rest and retreat this week. At least for the first part of the week. You are on the brink of a major new beginning. The Last Quarter Moon sets the tone of the week and it’s about simplifying and restructuring. Next, the Moon moves into your stars for the first half of the week. The imperative is to do you without apology. The second half of the week puts the focus on money matters and values. When the New Moon arrives on Sunday, you can start making lists of where you want your energy to go over the next six months.


Friendships and long-term goals set the tone for the week, Pisces. We’re just coming off the Last Quarter Moon energy in your social zone. Structure and discipline support every other area of your life, so don’t neglect the basics. Pragmatism is glamorous under the current stars. Plus, by the end of the week, you’ll be back to romance galore, compliments of the Pisces Moon. By the weekend, the Moon lights up your money zone which highlights axes and any other lingering money matters. Sunday’s New Moon puts it all in proper perspective and you will start with a fresh clean slate.
